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[[heading]] 1882 - Boston Office - [[/heading]]
April 22d 1882 -
1 Watch Clock for 2 Watchmen -        225.00
Regulator Movt.                        50.00
Black Walnut Case -
Battery for 2 Watchmen                 30.00
30 Stations - 18 - 12 -        5.00   150.00
To have Station inside Clock.
Wire at wholesale price
Man at $5 per day & Expense extra.
Mason Machine Works.
Taunton. Mass.
order given by Mr. F. Mason. [[insertion]] A.H. thinks this can be delivered in about 6 weeks. [[/insertion]]
[[margin, underlined] June 15/82 [[/margin]]
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April 25th 1882.
12 Stations for 1 Watchman.
Merrick Thread Co.
Holyoke. Mass.
[[margin, underlined]] April 29/82 [[/margin]]
[[diagonal line through this entry, crossing from upper left to lower right]]
[[line across the page]]

April 27th 1882 -
2 Flash Signals without any lettering, made similar to pattern furnished, but to have 15 inch red disc. and good strong gong.
Standard Time Co.
New Haven. Conn
ordered by L. Waldo.
[[margin, written vertically in red]]
[[underlined]] Prices given Standard Time Co. [[/underlined]]
Extra 5% over other dealers -
No. 70 Clocks, 12 inch - 14.44
Synchronizers -    /net/  4.00
5 Regulators $200.00 each net -
Hour break circuit on Regulators $8.00 each net.
2 Seconds break wheel - "[[ditto for: Regulators]] 2.00 ""[[dittos for: each net.]]
14 inch square cases with spring - no weight $18.05 net.
We agree to make 100 or more Synchronizers at $4.00 each net. [[/in red]]
Synchronizers applied (net) 4.25 [[/margin, written vertically]] 
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April 27th 1882 -
4 Regulators, with No. 3 Movts
No. 31 Case, of Blk. Wal. Zinc & Steel pendulum.
Graham Escapement, Jeweled Pallets.
Willson's Contacts for synchronizing
Diagrams of Pendulums & Dials to be furnished. by L. Waldo -
Standard Time Co.
New Haven, Conn.
ordered by L. Waldo.
Prof. H.L. Pritchett. St. Louis.
1 Sent July 8
[[line across margin]]
1 Sent Aug 16/82
to U.S. Naval Ob. 
Washington D.C.
[[line across margin]]
1 Sent Nov. 21/82
to Prof. W.W. Payne,
Northfield. Minn.
[[line across margin]]