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Nov.7    Philadelphia Co.      Pittsburgh, Pa.
31/5523    1 Magneto Recorder in oak case with
           6 Magnets and Door Recorder mounted
           6 Magnetos in usual wood casings
          16 Station Magneto Record Dials

Nov. 11  Greeley Square Hotel Co.  New York, N.Y.
31/5526    6 Flush Magneto Stations complete
           (Utica 3 bar

Nov. 12   F.H. Roberts Co.        Boston, Mass.
31/5532    1 Magneto Recorder in brick case with
          25 Magnets and Door Recorder mounted
          23 Generators in usual wood casings
           2 Magnets to be operated by battery.

Nov. 20   Knitted Padding Co. Canton Junction, Mass.
31/5541    1 Magneto Recorder in oak case with
           4 Magnets and Door Recorder mounted
           4 Generators in usual oak casings
Added 8/1920 2 Magnets & Rec. arms #5&6
             2 Magnetos in oak casings (3Bar Utica)

Nov.28    Riker & Hegman Co.    N.Y. City
31/5548     1 Magneto Watch Clock in oak case
           12 " Time Dial, 30 Sta. 24 hour frame, 
           24 Magnetos and Door Recorder mounted
           24 Magnetos in metal casings

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