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B-R Elec. Co. 38/9355.
[[preprinted]] SURNAME | CHRISTIAN NAME | FOLIOS | ADDRESS OR REMARKS [[/preprinted]]

[[preprinted]] BA [[/preprinted]]

Bank of Commerce, Baltimore 21/1194 | Bankers Trust Co. [[insert]] 33/6816. 7210. 35/8217. 36/8433. 8784. [[/insert]] 29/4530 - 4891 - 30/4902 [[insert]] 30/4955 [[/insert]]

Bank of New Amsterdam 15/ 248 | Baltimore Copper Smelting & Rolling Co. 29/4542

Bank of Washington Hts. 19/835 33/7059.35/7971.36/8628 8593. | Barnett Natl Bank 29/4543

Bankers Life Ind. Co., 20/1099 | Bank of Aobeson 29/4589

Baker, E.E. 21/1206 | Baptist Church, Southridge 29/4590

Battles, J.F. & Co. 21/1201 | Babcock Mrs. Graham E. 29/4625

Barthold, Rodolfo G. 21/1250 | Baker Rev. Nelson H. 29/4666

Barton, Vt., 21/1251 | Baltie, Conn. 29/4686

Barnett, W.A. 22/1282 | Bay State Street R.R. 29/4759

Bayer & Scherbuer 22/1326 | Brayrouth, [[insert]] Beyrouth [[/insert]] Syria 29/4762

Barnes, D.W. & Son 22/1455 | Barnes & Payton 29/4764

Bath County Court House 22/1523 | Barkley John F. 29/4813

Bainbridge, Ga. 22/1529 | Baltz H. Hughes 29/4817

Bartholomew, F.S. 22/1564 | Bates Opera House, Weymouth, 29/4876

Barker, Chadsay & Co., 22/1613 | Barranquilla, Sava 29/4897 31/5769

Bayer, Gardner, Hines Co., 23/1661 | Barton A.A. 30/4912

Baldwin & Pennington 23/1709 - 1738 - 1814 - 16/343 - 383 - 437 - 21/1194 - 24/2390 -

Baugs & Wells. 23/1772 | Baptist Church, New Ipswich. N.H.

Barr, David 23/1817 | Bangor High School 30/4970

Bailey, W.A. 23/1823 | Bank of Toronto 30/4976

Baker & Co. 14/59 30/5358 | Barnard Frank G. 30/5107

Baum I. 14/87 | Bartlett Mrs. Geo. 30/5216

Banon & Co., Jas. S. 14/89 - 15/303 - 16/445 - 17/550 - 551 - 552 - 553 - 554 - 603 - 624 - 18/767 - 15/303 - 16/440
24/2536 - 25/2868

Baltimore, Md. C.H. & P.O. 14/49 - 22/1300 | Bangor Savings Bank 30/5106

Ball Co., The Webb Co. 14/6 - 16/394 - 16/449 - 17/631 [[insert]] 37/9054 [[/insert]] - 22/1471 - 24/2492 - 27/3463 - 3487 - 3695 - 3696 - 3701
28/3919 - 4084 - 30/5381 31/5869 32/5927 - 6038.6697.33/6850

Bartlett, Wm. [[?]] 15/192 [[insert]] 32/6687.33/6896.7053.7104.34/7433.7647.36/8394.8445.8510.8526.8606.8645.8752.37/8840.8877.8892. [[/insert]]

[[insert]] See next leaf [[/insert]] Bankers Elec. Prot. Co. 15/195 - 22/1601 - 24/2516 - 28/4132 - 4280 30/5335 31/5459 32/6114.6526. 

Bay Ridge, N.J. 16/340 | Bayonne Trust Co. 30/5255

Bayer doerfer Fred 16/361 | Barrett D.L. 30/5274 - 5469

Baltimore & Ohio R.R. Co. 16/385 37/9129 | Bacon A.S. & Sons 30/5283

Bailey, Bauks & Biddle 16/404 - 18/701 - 703 - 20/1058 - 1075 - 1077 - 22/1305 - 1306 - 1365 - 1606.33/7139.37/8940.

37/8957 | Baptist Church, Woodville, Mass 30/5302

Barre, Mass. 16/438 | Bacon Geo.W. 31/5527

Baddely, John F. 16/499 | Bangs Druggist Fixture Co 31/5588

Barcley, W.H. 17/656 |  Barnes Pope Elect Co. 31/5619 32/5961 [[insert]] 32/6184. 6335.6428.36/8689.38/9514. [[/insert]]

Baldwinsville, Mass. 17/668 | Base Ball Publishing Co. 31/5676 32/6460.

Baltimore, Md. 18/678 - 697 - 21/1209 - 22/1293 - 24/2461 - 2511 - 2518 - 25/2657 29/4434 - 4864 - 4881 30/4944 [[insert]] 30/5398 31/5505 32/6069.6223.33/6926.34/7793.35/7957.8049.38/9420.9715. 4945 [[/insert]]

Bay Springs, Mich. 24/1889 | Baker University 31/5694

Balao, Iglesia de 24/1908 | Baldwin Keans 31/5694

Basker, D.W. 24/2011 | Barthold R.G. & Co. 31/5747