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DeLuxe Silk Hosiery Co. 33/7283.
DePere, Wisc. 34/7391. (See West DePere Wis)
DeKalb County, Ga 34/7524
Decatur, Georgia 34/7524
Deford Company The 34/7527
Detroit (Mich) Library Commission 34/7668
Denman-Myers Cord Tire Co.35/8066
Dexter Samuel Lodge I.O.O.F. 35/8149
Delaware Title + Ins. Co. 35/8171
Dengler Liddy Burd Electl. Co. 36/8450. 8753
Dept. of Public Wks. Ontario 36/8663. 37/8846
Decatur + Hopkins Co. 37/8909
Dept. of Mental Diseases (Mass.) 37/8997
Desmond + Lord 37/9040
Deaconess Hospital 36/8748
Delano + Aldrich Archts 37/9278
Dept. of Public Education, Red Bank N.J. 38/9583,9649.
Derby L.A. Co. 38/9645.9751
Derby Elec. Motors Co. Inc. [[insert]] 7/2/25 [[/insert]]
[[last two entries bracketed with notation "from opp page"]]