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[[preprinted]] TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning clear and fine work over the Pachypomas.  Boil them, and extract them from the shell, succeed very well. Get on my things and start out. Stop at Dr. Canfields. Go down on the beach Just beyond the whalers camp and take notes on a Cala. Gray whale. whose remains lay stretched on the rocks. Get a good lot of small shells. Back to lunch and out again in the same locality doing very well. Back to dinner and clean up. Evening up to Mrs. O'Neals with Brittain.

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 17 [[/preprinted]]
Raining hard all day, no chance to work outdoors. Pick out some of the small shells and proceed to sort them. Mrs. Harris makes me a present of two fine Bulimi from the Society Islands & makes me an addition of two species to my list Give Brittain some notes on the Expedition for his paper. Stage comes in from San Jose in the afternoon, no news. In the evening go up to Dr. Canfields and read the new Harpers Monthly and back to the Hotel. Talk with Brittain and Walker the school master, and turn in.

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 18 [[/preprinted]]
Morning raining again fit to split. This makes bad work with my collecting. Pack up my Pachypomas for transportation Put on my rubber blanket and in spite of the rain go up to the Doctors. down to the Post-Office with him and then down upon the beach where the tide being high a bitter wind and occasional bursts of rain making it very uncomfortable. Work all the afternoon getting some good small things. In the evening sort shells.
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[[preprinted]] FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning, rain again. Down on the beach under my rubber blanket and pick up a few shells.
After dinner get some grub in a cigar box and under my rubber blanket start off for Cypress Point. Arrive there about five oclock and go out on the island but to my great disappointment find very few snails. About five, pitch my blanket tent fashion, build a roaring fire, and under the shade of the cypress trees, am lulled to sleep by the eternal breakers of Carmel Bay.

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 20 [[/preprinted]]
Eat my breakfast. Strike my tent, go over to the island again, and then take the road for home. Have a rainy, wet, nasty walk. Get some apples in town.
In the afternoon the U.S.S. Saranae, for Chile comes into the harbor for protection from a southeaster outside. She anchors.
Rains like the devil. Go up to the Doctors but find him out. Evening write, talk and turn in early with a big disgust on.

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 21 [[/preprinted]]
The same provoking, eternal rain. Go up to Dr. Canfields; find him sorting over some shells which he collected yesterday afternoon on the Town and Lavinas beaches. Look over his shells and pick out a few duplicates which [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] I have not obtained. Back to the Hotel to dinner and in the afternoon go up to the Doctors and finish looking over all his shells. Feel symptoms of sore throat. Even'g. Go over to Dr. Blankmans with Brittain and Walker.

Transcription Notes:
Dr.Canfield reference Ambrosia: minor edits. FYI Transcription Centre only requires [[end page]] [[start page]] notations when going from one page to next. Unnecessary at very start or end. Changed + to &