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[[preprinted]] MONDAY, JANUARY 22, 1866 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Foggy but doesnt rain thank the Lord! Start out about nine and spend all day on the beach. About three oclock start back and go over the Town beach where I find nothing. Have fair success. 
Back to the Hotel to supper. In the evening Dr. Canfield comes down for a little while. 
Evening read write and sort over shells and tired enough early to bed.

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 23 [[/preprinted]]
Day fair and clear. Start out to the half moon beach and get a few good things. Coming back stop a few minutes with Curtis. After dinner go up to Doctor Canfields where he joins me and we go out to Mussel Point beach beyond the Chinese fisheries and get some good things. 
Back to dinner. The Vigilance Committee have bills posted all over town. 
Evening write, sort shells, and read the papers.

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 24 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Feel a little rheumatic, and as the weather is damp, the clouds lowering and symptoms of rain approaching. I sit down and write a long letter about Monterey and my doings here enclosing a scrap from the Monterey Gazette. Go up to Doctor Canfields, down to Curtis & post my letter, back to the Doctors and go down to the town beach and get some borers & Pteropods. Back to supper. Evening. Write and sort shells as usual.
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[[preprinted]] THURSDAY, January 25, 1866 [[/preprinted]]
Morning, a most lovely day, clear and bright. Feel better than for several days. After breakfast start off with Mr. Powers to Mussel Point, all the other beaches being occupied with Spanish women and children. Call at Doctor Canfields and finding him out go on. Have good success so much so, that I stay all day, while Powers goes back at one. Mr Little's boy died of diptheria today. Evening read the Boston Advertiser of Watkins and sort shells.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 26 [[/preprinted]]
Morning start off equipped for work. Stop at Dr Canfields borrow his Aulon iron and go down to the beach. See the Fayaway comming in to my great delight. Spend some time on the rocks, come back without much thats new. A whale is brought on to the beach that was worried to death by the killers. Stay on the beach and watch the Portuguese cut him in. Get some baleen, Powers comes down & we go back to supper. Evening. Call on Miss Eloisa Abŕego with Brittain, Walker, and Dwight-Parsons.

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 27 [[/preprinted]]
Morning, go up to Dr. Canfields and talk with him about the Antilocapra. He gives me Lucapina and Aplysia. The Fayaway did not haul up to the wharf on account of the roughness of the water. Get letters from Stearns & Mother by Capt. Josslyn. Pack up my shells partly. Go down to Mr. Littles and get a box. Go down on the town beach but find nothing. After supper with Powers, Brittain, and Walker, walk 5 miles down the Salinas beach, build a big fire and come back late.

Transcription Notes:
-It probably is Dr. Canfield -Lucapina is a genus of sea snails -I think borers might be right something like Barnea similis