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[[preprinted]] TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning, downtown. Call at Stearns' office and discuss the Presidents course. From there to Towne and Bacons and the Survey Rooms. Work at copying into my Cal, Academys Proceedings and get the vacuum finally filled. Commence copying the plate of the Washington lily. Go round to Towne and Bacons and get the copies of Bridges' memorial which are beautifully printed. Down aboard to dinner. Dress and go up town again for Miss Hapgood and dance all the evening at Lunts. Have a good time but get well tired

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 28 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. A pelting rain. Go out to Mrs. Bridges and carry the copies of the memorial to her. Down town, see Stearns and go to the Survey Rooms. Call on the Col. speak about Elliott, and leave a copy of the memorial with him. Finish the plate of the lily which makes my volume now complete. Prof. Whitney goes to Sacramento. Work out the lingual ribbon of Octopus punctatus, Gabb. Evening leave note for Ames at Mr Lows call on Mrs. Raymond who is gone to New York, round to Stebbins' whose wife is better. From there to Mrs Hapgood where I spend the remainder of the evening.

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY, MARCH 1 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Dress and go down amidships and get out a box of vials. Down town. Meet Laborn and go in to the office with him. In to Stearns' who is busy, and down to the Survey office where I work nearly all day at the Monterey shells. Down to Bosquis and find my books are not done. Back again and then down town. Evening. Call at the Captains and meet Capt Plummer, over to Stearns' to go with him to Bacons and find all out. Call on Mrs. Brackett.
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[[preprinted]] FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1866 [[/preprinted]]
A beautiful day. Down town, leave boots to be mended, stop at H. Cs. office but don't go in. Down to the Survey Rooms and work all day at a paper on Octopus punctatus. G. for the next meeting of the Academy. Sort over some more of the Monterey shells. Stearns comes in and two or three inquiries are made for Prof. Whitney. Go up to Stearns' to dine coming down get clothes from Chinamen and boot from Jew. Evening go up to the Consuls where I meet Capts. Sandman & Walker, Mrs Walker, Mr. Rowland and the little Walker girl and her father.

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 3 [[/preprinted]]
Down town and see the Col. about money and sci. equipment. Call in on Stearns, and go down to Hubbards, expecting a letter from Stimpson but find none returned; work till 3 P.M. on shells. Stearns comes in Down to office, not ready. As per Col's. permission see about having two plant boxes and a dredge made. Down to office, will only pay half what is due me which I wont take. Col. out. Evening.  Call at the Occidental, meet Col. Williamson. Down to Mrs. de Ro's without Glover after all. Olga, Charlotte and a friend there.

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 4 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Work over shells. Down to church. Mr. Stebbins preaching. Kings tomb is beautifully decked with flowers it being two years today since he died. A very good sermon. After church down to the Occidental but don't find the Colonel. Down to Capt. Scammon's ; who feels as I do, that matters are approaching a crisis. Up to Mrs. Lows, see Ames and walk down to the Wright and go over her and back to the Lows with him. Down to Capt. Noyes' to dine. Wendte goes East on the 30th to study for the ministry. Down to the Consuls in the evening, Mrs Stahl there.