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[[preprinted]] SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 1866. [[/preprinted]]

Morning. Over to the Gate for [[insertion]] break [[/insertion]] fast, back and dress Sumner Bugbee comes down and I show him over the ship. Walk up to church with him and hear Doctor Scudder preach on John the Baptist. Am introduced to him after service and invited to call. Go round to lunch with Bugbee and stay till about two when I go round to the Nucleus for Mrs & Miss Hapgood. Down to the ship with them and show them around. Up to the cars and leave them. Go to the Park, and call at the Klinkofstroms. Olga better today. Consul & wife unwell. Day very hot & still

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 23 [[/preprinted]]

Morning, again very hot and sultry. Down to the office early. Meet Ralph Pope at the door of the Nucleus, with Field & Yates. Get a letter from Elliott by him. He thinks of returning home. Mr. Mumford, one of the Directors, is out by yesterdays steamer I suppose to hold the reins here. Down to office, into Stearns office and down to Keiths. Work over Sci. Bill which I want to get finished. Over to Survey Rooms, see Whitney meet Ames, and go up to Stearns office with him Home to dine & spend the evening at Stearns house.

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 24 [[/preprinted]]

Morning. Down town with Caldwell. Into office as usual and find nothing. Down town with the Captain meet Whitney, Hubbard and Ames. Into Keiths and spend all day working over Nightingales chest and writing to Baird, Walker and home. Into Nickersons, Rulofsens and Stearns' office and up with him to Academy Rooms and carpenters shop to look at cases &c.
Evening. Up to Lunts and have our final blowout. Take Miss H. stay till 11. see her home: and back till two. Davison and Glover are ordered off the Ex.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted] WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1866. [[/preprinted]]

Morning. The vilest of all vile weather, a driving sleet mist, mixed with fog. Capt Scammon talks of resigning his position, on account of annoyances and insulting curtailment of his perogatives. Down town with him. Stop at the office. Speak to Wicker about a post on the Youkon, and am assured of it and of a chance to go to Ks. assistance if unfortunately needed. Down to Stearns', to Keiths & work over letters, over to survey Rooms stay a little while writing. Evening down town. Call at Dr. Ayres and then up to Lows. Lend them some of our Nicaragua birds, have proved to [[be?]] new. the [[time?]]

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 26 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Down town, with Caldwell. Stop in at the office, and snub Foss about Ijams Down to the office, work over Nightingales chest. Write to Miss Cleveland and Miss Merriam Get chest and Sci equipment off. See Dr. Trask and King in the Morning. Up to Academy Rooms things progressing finely. Up to Rulofsens, and to cap mans. Fire on Clementina Street. Evening up to the Consuls, see Mrs. Koshkin and arrange to go over the vessels Sunday afternoon. Meet Olga going home, and call on Miss Ritchie.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 27 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Take papers to Col. from Capt. Scammon. Down to office, stop at Stearns; into Keiths, set all at work, down to gasman, have tube fitted and put up in Academy Rooms. Into Keiths again; Ijams reports, up to Stearns, meet Woodward who invites us out to his place tomorrow. Down to Acad rooms and rush into see Bugbee, take strawberries with him. Into gas works & fitters. Down to ship. Misses Plumer & other girls there, wild with champagne. Evening up town call at Mrs Stebbins, see Bridge, and call on Miss Hapgood

Transcription Notes:
Dr Trask - looks like an F but it is a T (he's mentioned previously in the diary) Only need to put [[end page]] [[start page]] when moving from one page to next.