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[[preprinted]] TUESDAY, MAY 22, 1866 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Down town with Caldwell, stop at the office. See Wright about Ijams and contracts. Over to Stearns office. Down to Academys Rooms Write out receipts for books rec'd from foreign societies. Then go to Survey Rooms where I work nearly all day at Pompholyx paper Monterey shells, orders and directions for Captains &c &c. Send Caldwell to Mrs Lewis' for fish bags which are not yet done. Down to ship carpenter not yet put up my shelf. Evening walk out with Caldwell and call on Mrs. Lewis.

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 23 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. See the Captain about chests and have covers made of canvas for them. Give orders about collecting to Wheeler, and Capt. Arthur. Up town with Caldwell, stop at the office see Stearns. Down to old Robisons and take measurements of a porpoise for Capt Scammon Then over to Towne and Bacons about printing. Up to market looking for new plans &c Meet Stearns and go to dinner with him. Up to Survey Rooms write all afternoon. Get letters, gloomy, as usual. Evening walk up with Black. Meet Mr. & Mrs. Low, call on Mrs de Ro

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 24 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Down town with the Captain. Up to the office. Into see Stearns. See Laidlay, and Gove. Down to Survey Rooms, buy $14.00 in greenbacks Work over Pompholyx paper. Take it into Towne and Bacons who agree to set it up in advance of the Academys sheet. Bolander arrived from Marin Co. See Keith. Go home with Bolander and get some snails. Helix infumata &c. Evening up town with Capt. & Mrs. Scammon. Call at Dr. Ayres' for a little while then up to Plummers & see only Marston.
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[[preprinted]] FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Down town with Mrs. Scammon in a hack. The weather is a boisterous South East gale with pouring rain which makes the vessels, including the Jenny Pitts, collier; which is alongside, dance a minuet and grind each other and the wharf, to the tune the old cow died of. Go into the office. See Wright about alcohol. See Stearns. Into Keiths. Down to Survey Rooms Send Caldwell to Mrs. Lewis' after fish bags. Work all day at Survey Rooms on Monterey shells. King has got order for coat at last. Evening go up town and call on Stebbins.

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 26 [[/preprinted]]
Morning Fine and clear after the rain. Down town with Caldwell. Step into office see Wright. Stearns and then down to Survey Rooms where I find King. Step down to the clothing office of the U.S.A. with King. Select an overcoat pay $14.50 in greenbacks for it and take it up to Geimans to be lined. Then over to the Oakland boat and go to Dr. Newcombs. Read him the first part of my Monterey paper which he approves of. The good Doctor gives me a lot of shells mostly Succineas. Back to town. Down to ship and up to Mrs. Lows

[[preprinted - left margin]] 5 [[/preprinted]]
[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 27 [[/preprinted]]
where I spend the night. Mrs. Thornberg and little Minnie are there also. Get up early in the morning having got to bed early. Brown bread and beans for breakfast. Over to Alameda to call on the Consul Rains like sixty over there, and get well showered between the caro & the house. Have a good time walk down to the water on the fence. Back by last boat. Up to Mrs Lows. Even'g. Call at Mrs de Ros and then go up to Mrs Ritchie's. Call on the Col. and get his approval of auth. for Capt Scammon drawn up by me

Transcription Notes:
Ambrosia: Reviewed pgs with minor edits. FYI Transcription Centre only requires [[end page]] [[start page]] notations when going from one page to next. Unnecessary at very start or end. Stearns = Robert Edward Carter Stearns Changed + to &