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[[preprinted]] MONDAY, MAY 28, 1866. [[/preprinted]]

Morning. Uptown early, step into office, Wright not there See Stearns, down to Hubbards, step into Sacks and see about Canfields hygrometer which has gone down Meet Keith who speaks of alcohol and bichr. of potash. Sent James down to vessel. Go to Towne and Bacons get proof and correct it. Down to ship have the cases marked Nitric Acid. Up town again after lunch. Work all the P.M. on Monterey paper. Go up to dinner at Stearns. Get my orders as I expected and spend the evening writing at the office till 11.30. Call at Occidental. Col out & down to ship.

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 29 [[/preprinted]]

Send Caldwell down to Mrs Lewis' for bags, set him to painting boxes and packing Wrights outfit. Up town call at Occidental. Col. away. Step into office, see Stearns. Down to Towne and Bacons with proof. Write with boys on letters, as we shall soon be off. See Whymper and go down to Cooks seeing Moody by the way  Get ink at Chy Lungs and go down to work again Hand in final proof. Down to ship calling for the Col. Evening Call on Miss Coates, and Mr. Taylor, and go down to Whitneys office where I write letters till 11.

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 30 [[/preprinted]]
Morning up town with Capt Scammon. More trouble with the firm of W- Shenanigan & W-. Into office. Write request for barometers and compass take to Occidental. Col. says he will see about it hereafter. See Stearns. Down to Survey Rooms and write all day on the Monterey shells finally finishing the list. Up to Wrights room, he is better and informs me that I am promoted to a first Lieutenancy. Evening. Up to Mrs Lows and read Our Mutual Friends. Stay all night there. 
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[[preprinted]] THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1866 [[/preprinted]]
Morning, up early. Ride down after breakfast with Mr. Low to the toll gate. Deliver Sci. outfit to the Wright and go up town. Meet Stebbins by the way. Into office; into Stearns office, down to Macondrays, thence to the Brig Ida Rogers, Capt Norton then back to Macondrays, Towne & Bacons, pay printers bill, down to Survey Rooms, and work all day on Monterey paper. Up to Geimans, round to Stearns' go to dinner with him. After dinner call on Capt Norton who has nothing but Cypraea tigris on hand. Evening get some shells, call on Lorquin, and work till two on shells.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY, JUNE 1 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Up early and down town. Step into the office for a moment, Wright there looking sick. See Stearns for a moment. Down to Towne and Bacons. Up to Hicks' with a book to be bound. Down to Survey Rooms and work then all day over shell paper which is drawing to a close. Up to the office, walk part way with Lewis and Fletcher Down to ship for dinner. Evening. Down town call at tailors about coat. Step into Keiths and see Steele about Evans. Dayley comes in. Work till eleven on shells with Frittzss.

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 2 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Stay at the vessel till I get the paint for my boxes, and start Bob Caldwell on the work. When I see him fairly started, go up town see him fairly started, and go up town. Call at the office, and in Stearns a moment. Into the binders with Sowerbys Manuel. Back to the Survey Rooms with Ijams and work over the shells for [[Cpl?]]. Over with Stearns at two to see Dr Newcomb and back at 5.25. Dine at Stearns' and pass the evening there. Down to ship early

Transcription Notes:
Ambrosia: Reviewed with minor edits. bichromate of potash - chemical used for staining wood Changed + (plus) to & (and) Stearns = Robert Edward Carter Stearns