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[[preprinted]] SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 1866 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Up town early. Call at Mrs. de Ros and find that Olga is intown. Down to the Occidental. Read the papers, down to the Survey Rooms. Thence to the Paul Pry, the Alameda being disabled. Go to the Consuls and spend the day. Anassof is there and says we go to New Westminister. Kwichpak Anadyr and Petropavlovsk. Have a pleasant time. Jessie & Jeannie there. Back at 5 [[superscript underlined]] 0 [[/superscript underlined]] with Anassof and Dr. Behr. Up to Mrs. Lows. Mr Low. quite unwell Down to Mrs. de Ro's. See Olga. Charlotte, Hettie, and a Mr. Binney. Dancing on the wharf in eveng.

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 4 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Get away from the vessel early. Down to office. Col. sends for me in regard to mosses which I give Bolander. Get a permit from Col. Wicker to obtain shot and a gun. Col. agrees to my having the barometers. Wright very sick with typhoid fever. Down to Survey Rooms. Gabb and Hoffman back. Move things into No. 94 for the present. Correct proof sheets of Monterey shells with Frittzs and Ijams. Down to Cranes and order gun, shot &c. Up to Stearns to dinner. Down to Survey Rooms & to Acad. meeting in evening. Very interesting. Home with Behr.

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 5 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Get Bob to painting boxes. Down town with him up to Mr. Lows, who is better. In to office. Wright better. In to see Stearns and down to Survey Rooms. Work all day over shells Caldwell helping. Afternoon. Go to Cosmopolitan and join a select dinner party of six in a private saloon, with Prof. Whitney, Gabb, King, Gardner & Hoffman. King goes away early tomorrow. Up to Survey office and write after dinner. Call on Mrs. Brackett.
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[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1866 [[/preprinted]]
Palmetto sailed. Petrop. 6 A.M.
Morning. Down town early, leave books and bottles at Survey Rooms. Up to Stearns and to the office, get a barometer and go down to Lazard Freres and get a half a dozen shirts. Down to Survey Rooms and work packing up and getting ready to start. Write regular circular. Down to to [[L?]] [[int?]] & [[Socks?]] [[Shirts?]], & Pack everything away. Get nearly through. Work over shells of Gabbs collecting. Pack & send carpenters box (no.14) Evening. Call at Mrs. de Ros, find Father, Scott, Olga, Jessie and Lottie there. Some row among them.

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 7 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Set Bob to painting the chests brown give plan of flag to Agness. Get bundle and trudge up town, leaving painter at work in my room. Go to Mrs. Taylors. Send Bob to Mrs. Gormers with socks. Down to Stearns. leave cards with him. Up to office, get barometers. Down to Survey Rooms. Do up pamphlets papers &c write letter to Carpenter and send circulars to a number of others. Work over barometers with Gardner Down to Stearns' office, up to dinner with him and spend the evening giving him notes for check list of W. C. Shells. Rutgers sailed Sound & Pl. Bay.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 8 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. speak to Capt. about lock on armory door. Down town, stop at office, in to see Stearns. Down to Survey Rooms. Write all day Send many letters & papers, see list. Up to Town and Bacons. go round to Hubbards lunch a Hoases with Bacon. Rains. Up to office. See Col. Who says I can have compass and thermometer. Down & write at Survey Rooms. Up to C.L. Lows to dinner. Do up MSS. for last. Evening go to Post office. Acad Rooms & write. 

Transcription Notes:
Andadyr= place in Sibera. Kwickpak = old name for Yukon River, see dq=william+healey+dall+kwikpak&source=bl&ots=z_QusGWIaz&sig=8wMIQM78dxP2fOQvZ6wbMdOdyRc&hl=en&sa=X&ei=8NLsU8riK4ydygSh_4LoCw&ved=0CDsQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=kwikpak&f=false Ambrosia: Reviewed with minor edits.