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[[preprinted]] SUNDAY. AUGUST 26, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Col. B. aboard. Take a bath and get ready for dress parade. All hands from the Wright on board. Ryder takes a photograph of the Land Service and then of the Marine Service, and finally, one, of the pioneers of last year, which included me. Go on board the Wright with Whymper & [[?]] and take lunch and remain till dinner and arrange to ascend the mountain with Bush and Lewis tomorrow. Come back, find Libby & Party back with a clear road found for the wire to a Bay south of Spanberg. Evening with Kelsey & Capt Scammon. Beautiful night.

[[preprinted]] MONDAY. 27 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Get a boat and go over to the Steamer. Find Lewis ready to ascend the mountain but Bush backs out. We get a boat and ascend 1723+ ft. by barometer being met by a perpendicular crumbling wall of rock forming the peak of the mountain 300 ft. above our level. We named it Danger Peak an appelation well deserved. Go up at 10. [[superscript]] h [[/superscript]] 30" [superscript]] A.M. [[/superscript]] and get down by 4. [[superscript]] h [[/superscript]] P.M. Go aboard the Wright which has returned [[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] towing the Golden Gate. all aboard well. Dine there. see Wicker & go aboard Nightingale. Spend the evening with Capt. Scammon.

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 28 [[/preprinted]]
Actual corrected height ascended 1732.29+ feet. Morning feet a little stiff & sore but not so much as might be expected. Day clear and delightfully bracing though cool. In the morning work over arranging plants & packing away specimens. Take gun over to the Wright which lays alongside & coals all day. P.M. Work over Rabbits skull and have a fight on the question of ownership of collections with Grob, in which I totally back down that pig-headed Dutchman. Evening. Skin bird. Ryder back.
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[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning, busy till noon in packing up & labelling specimens. Afternoon go ashore on the island, calling at the Gate for Rob. Caldwell. Get a good many plants and return to dinner. Go aboard the Steamer which is still coaling and stay a while. Come back and put up the days collections. Have more trouble with Bowne on the collection business, which is very disagreeable, but what can be expected of a fellow who has no ideas outside of a ship & a brothel

[[preprinted]] Thursday 30 [[/preprinted]]
Day clear and fine. Continue my fight for the order in regard to collections with a fair prospect of success, although most of the pack are extremely offended at the idea. Go over to the island and have a picture of the whale's skull taken with myself in full working habit. Ryder takes Lewis, Norton & Kudin surveying. In the afternoon go over on the mainland, along the line and over the house at Kelsey station. Get a few fine mosses. Davis, Black, Klinefelder [[Allee?]] and Libby over at the same time. Back at 5 P.M.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY [[/preprinted]] 
Major Wright informs me that the Colonel has decided not to issue the desired order in regard to collections.  This result is due to the exertions of the Major & his gang. Pack up and nail up boxes of specimens. Write up notes. Wright hauls off some distance. Wicker & the Colonel aboard of us about noon. Capt. Scammon unwell. 3 blue pills. After noon write to Kennicott, finish up several odd jobs, Capt. Harding. brings me an otolithe from the whale Ryder photographed.

Transcription Notes:
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