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[[preprinted]] SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1866 [[//preprinted]]
Morning damp, foggy & rainy with a strong northeast wind. Colonel Bulkley comes aboard and says that the Nightingale will arrive at St. Michaels before the steamer, so I retain my letters &c and go over and copy sketch of upper Harbor, make sketches of mountains &c. take lunch, return, finish drawing of Ctenophora. Go down in the cabin Wright and Chappel away. Dine with Captain and Mrs. Scammon with Black and in the evening talk over the fracas with Bowne preliminary to some amicable arrangement.

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 2 [[/preprinted]]
Morning misty but afterwards fair. No muster or inspection Smith and a party from the whaling brig Victoria which lost her rudder in the Arctic Ocean & now lies at anchor in the lower Bay preparatory to wintering here; come up and spend a part of the day. Dry plants & papers, skin snipe & pack up & put away everything in the false idea that the Wright goes to St. Michaels tomorrow, but on Smiths authority find that she only will carry down some lumber for the steamers & return Whymper will stay at Michaelovsky [[Ev.?]] with Capt S.

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 3 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Go aboard the Wright with the dingy & Everett Smith and about ten oclock start out of Seal cove and go down the Bay with lumber for the little steamers. Go ashore at the little spit and Ryder takes some pictures of the steamers & cook tent. Back to lunch and then in Nockums canoe with Laborn Lewis &c go over to see them kill an old man which they wont do while we are there. Back. Go aboard Nightingale spend evening cleaning and fixing up my gun.

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[[preprinted]] TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1866. [[/preprinted]]

Morning. Day fine, clear and lovely. Get permission from the Colonel and about half past ten start with a boat and four men from the Wright. Lewis & Gerry Norton as passengers and Lemon as assistant; to measure Mount Kennicott with the barometer. Make the ascent in two hours, find the height to be 2348. ft 3 inches above mean low tide level. Stay up about two hours, come down in one hour, get back to a late dinner not very tired. Evening in the [[overwrite]] Capt [[/overwrite]] Cabin

[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 5 [[/preprinted]]
Morning, cloudy, cold. Spend the greater part of it putting my gun in order and cleaning it. Toward noon Snub our Fouché of an adjutant. After lunch go aboard the Wright with Kadin, stay awhile return to Nightingale; Col. B. considers it best to remain on the Nightingale and go over to St. Michaels in her. Leave pkge of letters for Kennicott with Whymper who will stay at St. M all winter. Back with Westenhal who is transferred to the L.S. Evening. Transfers of men to Rutgers, Golden Gate &c. create some bustle & excitement than usual.

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 6 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. All bustle and hurry. 2 M stores going on board Rutgers and Gate, and men transferred from one vessel to another. Foss and a number of men from the Gate come aboard. Libby goes on board Rutgers, also Kadin Cox, Havan and other, Mr. Ritchie from the Gate is to be my roommate for the future Rutgers will go to Grantley Harbor, Libby in charge of men to be left there. Gate for Anadyr Capt Dick Bush in charge. Caldwell goes on the R.

Transcription Notes:
Ambrosia: Reviewed with minor edits.