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[[preprinted]] THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1866 [[/preprinted]]
Manuella, Brig & Trader, Capt Redfield arrives about 1.
Morning. worrying and fretting all day, about trifling annoyances from Fisher and others. It gives me some real comfort occasionally to have him insult me, because of the intense enmity I feel, for him on account of the thousand little nothings which I have to bear continually
It then seems to give some real ground for a feeling of which I am ashamed. At 12 M. Steamer Wright sails for Michaelovski with Str. Wilder in tow Later go ashore in Capt Fishes boat & get some more skulls Evening Capts Redfield & Fish of Manuella & Victoria brigs aboard & have a dance. Grob paints flag. 

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 14 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. No signs of getting off yet. Ryder takes a picture of Aylesburg Scammon in sailor clothes with Grobs eagle and the american flag in the background. Mr. Ritchie is introduced to officers & crew as masters mate and one of the officers of the flagship Nightingale. In the morning pack a box of specimens & close it, label & catalogue and write up notes on specimens, start in again on index of Mazatlan shells; getting Foss to help me. Get a tracing of Grobs picture containing Mt Kennicott which I hand over to Whymper for a sketch. 

[[preprinted]] Saturday 15 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Day fine but windy. Get a young Mormon arcticus, which was caught some time since by Dr. Fisher, but which died from improper food. Spend part of the morning skinning it. The Doctor is greatly disgusted when informed that it has fallen into my hands. Write on index to Mazatlan Shells Get Foss to writing in the afternoon. Finish C. Get a scow load of coal ashore making 68 tons in all. Evening. Walk the deck with Mr. Ritchie till 9 and then go below. Write, and read Moliere and turn in

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[[pencil insertion strikethrough]] Wright arrived [[/pencil insertion strikethrough]]
[[preprinted]] SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
An excitement in the Bay. Early in the morning three humpback whales, a bull cow & calf, enter the bay. Redfield and Fish start in pursuit, Redfields boat is stove and Tripp is knocked overboard two or three times and gets his leg jammed in the coil, but after being dragged six or eight miles out to sea finally gets fast to the cow and kills the calf. The Manuella goes down to get the dead whale & cut him in. Capt. S. goes part way but returns without getting any measurements as the whales are too far off. Day most lovely and evening the same.

[[pencil insertion]] Wright arrived at St. Michaels [[/pencil insertion]]
[[preprinted]] MONDAY 17 [[/preprinted]]
Idle all the morning, walking the deck. Day fine clear and beautiful. Shortly after lunch Capt Fish of the Victoria comes up from the Manuella and offers a chance for me to go down and see the humpback cut in which I gladly accept and taking my blankets go down in the whaleboat with Mr. Merrill, anchor and chain, but find the brig far out and the whale cut in, but get some notes and standing in for the Bay pass a pleasant evening & night aboard the brig 

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 18 [[/preprinted]]
Morning breakfast aboard the brig and find it has been snowing in the night and the hills are looking hoary. At anchor in the Bay. Get some barnacles from the whales throat Capt. S. baby & Grob come aboard & I return to Nightingale. Apologise to Maj. Wright for going off without notifying him. Make sketch of barnacle, write letters send by Capt. Redfield. Drop up the Bay so as to get free of the spit. Try & clean the fresh skull & even'g with the Capts & in Cabin.