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[[preprinted]] TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning stormy. About noon Wright gets up steam to get off to us. Write letters, feel a feverish anxiety for which I cannnot account, to see Kennicott. About four P.M the Steamer comes up and anchors under the lee of the island About 5 P.M. a boat with Ennis, Ketchum and the Colonel comes alongside, and brings the awful news of Kennicotts death, sudden and unexpected, due in great measure to Ennis' double dealing and bullying for which God forgive him. It happened May [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] 13 at Nulato in the morning. Charley Pease will go home with the remains. I loved him 
[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 26 [[/preprinted]] 
better than any one else in the world. He loved me, trusted me and stood by me like a man and gave me confidence in myself which has carried me through many trials, and will with God's help, carry me through many more. Morning Wright sails for Grantley Harbor. The Colonel just before leaving makes me Surgeon of the District from Conway to the Straits. After consulting Wright as to the best course, pitch in and make out requisitions, and deliver them to the Doctor. Up till 1 A.M. writing circular letters &c an get through a really astonishing amount of work.

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 27 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Set Schuyler at work over the brigs amidships and Foss over the medicines; and go ashore in the Wilder. See Pease and talk over things with him, help him pack up and go on board with him. Find that Dr. Fisher has put up a criminally small supply of medicines and given me an unauthorized order which I return endorsed, as such, where upon he grossly insults me. My hands are tied however and by Major Wrights advice I make a Report on it for the Colonel Ev. Write.
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[[preprinted]] FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Rainy. wet. Go below and break out Amidships brig Get boxes &c ready for shipment ashore. Send Schuyler ashore to tally off boxes. Get things up from below, amidships and get almost every thing onto the lighter or scow. Pack up private things. Get a painted sack from Capt Scammon who is quite sick. Mrs S. puts up a box for Whymper and I, with 8 or ten bottles of assorted liquor some sardines &c A storm comes up and prevents us from getting ashore. Buy Ritchies watch and give him mine. Get Dyer to [[underlined]] buy [[/underlined]] a pair of dental forceps from Fisher and pay him 5.00 for them. 3 inches of snow.

[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 29 [[/preprinted]]
Blowing hard all day from the north, which winds always blows the water out of the bay through the "canal". The vessel soon begins and keeps on all day and nearly all night a thumping on the bottom which was luckily of soft black mud. Go down in the cabin and write. Every one feels nervous and troubled about the vessel. Capt. Scammon no better. Turn in early to get a good nights rest. Sergei Stepanoff in factor in charge of Fort St Michael and is an old soldier, of unbridled passions.

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 30 [[/preprinted]]
Morning snowing hard. Soon clears off clear & cold. Bannister, Pease, Grönberg and Elia come aboard for good. Major Kennicotts body in a coffin made at Nulato, is brought aboard. Write a protest against leaving syphilitic men here and get a blowing up from Wright for it. Damn these double faced hounds. About 2 o'clock get in to the scow with baggage and are towed ashore by the Wilder. Get my things upon the bank and into B's room. Even'g Down to Ketchums tent. Fisher drunk as a fool sleeps in my room all night. Stepanoff has just raped the only virtuous girl in the fort. 

Transcription Notes:
Dall's capital "S" sometimes looks like "L". Example: The word "Soon" in first line under Sunday 30