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[[preprinted]] MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning a copious fall of snow. Read The Doctors Wife, Sir Jaspers Tenant and some odd copies of Punch. In the afternoon a bidarrá with Indians and letters from Unalakleet saying that they had arrived, all but Adams who proably had put into Ulukowitch on account of rough weather. Ther. 9° Fahr. no chance of building winter quarters because the ground is solid and now covered with snow. They want all hands & supplies to go up as soon as possible; the turrets of the Russian fort are being fitted up for their accommodation no dogs bought or sledges or rabbitskin blankets yet. 

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 8 [[/preprinted]]
Morning clear and fine, about 8 oclock the wind changes to fair, (about N.W.W. ) and we get ready to start. Westdahl in the small bidarrá first then Ketchum & myself in the larger b. then another new b. with Indians then Smith was to start but don't know if he got off. Westdahl kept too far out. We started about noon and reached Iglutowit about 8 P.M. We were hauled ashore and went into the casine which is half underground where we got chi and treat the Indians to chi & biscuit, which they return by giving us a gong concert and a dance of four or five, keeping as accurate time to the gongs but rather tedious from being a continual repetition. Sleep very well.

[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 9 [[/preprinted]]
Morning wind adverse to our going on. Go out and have a look at the Indian huts which are built of large logs, half underground, a long entrance stopped with a bear skin; a space  in the centre for a fire place, a hole above covered with a gut skin shirt to let light in and smoke out. Some logs 2ft in diam. Seal oil lamps with sphagnum wicks to light up at night. P.M. A note by an Indian saying Westdahl has put in to a little Bay on account of rough weather, wet everything and got two holes in his bidarrà. Send four Indians to mend canoe. &c but hear nothing from him today. Wind strong & bad

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[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. The mouth of the little cove white with foam. Wind N. quite strong. Breakfast on beef stock soup, bread, chi, and bacon. Carry our sugar in a dirty pillowcase! No news from Westdahl. Indians turn us out of the casino to enjoy a bath in urine which is all they ever take showing a natural aversion to everything clean. Spend an hour in the tent of an Indian who has a blue cologne bottle stopper thrust through his lower lip. In the evening the smell of hartshorn entirely overpowering. Note from Westdahl saying he & Smith have met and they are all right. He keeps two of our Indians. Sleep poorly on account of the stink. One of our bidarràs cut.

[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 11 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Wind [[underlined]] natumk [[/underlined]]! About 8 o'clock get our traps together, and although the Indians object to starting, as we are one man short to each boat, saying [[underlined]] asiuhuk, mickyrusnik [[/underlined]], we push off. See the two other boats come round the south point just as we go round the north one. One Indian goes ashore for water, and as we nearly stove the boat while waiting we give him fits when he gets back. Pass Golsover, at Taponica commence to track along shore, but taking a good breeze make a bee line for Unalakleet. Bother about an hour in the ice outside but get in about eleven P.M. and get a cup of chi, and our cargo ashore.

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 12 [[/preprinted]]
Slept in a Russian bed or rather bunk, he having obeyed  the Gospel injunction. More cockroaches than would fill a 40 gallon cask. Breakfast with Smith on board the Wilder which is hauled up on the shore. Take a walk round with Whymper to the Indian village. As unromantic a place as one could well imagine, mostly under ground and filth in plenty everywhere. In the afternoon move all my traps out into a tent in the open ground; raise a flagpole and the scientific flag. Buy a pair of winter boots for 10 bullets and 3 caps. Buy a deer skin for 60¢ to sleep on. Sleep well but rather cold Ther. 8° 1 pr. blankets & 2 skins

Transcription Notes:
chi probably Russian word for tea - chay casine/casino = casine = kashim = qasgiq