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[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Yagor & 6 of our dogs and four sleds start off early for Takeitsky, to buy fish. This is a large river running nearly parallel with the Youkon for some twelve hundred miles more or less and emptying about a hundred and fifty miles below Nulato into the Youkon. A Koyoukun chief from Nuklukayet comes down and promises to shoot moose on the river and cache it for us to use during our summer explorations. Hass now going down to Unalakleet. Evening, skin four birds and read. Francis is very sulky because I have been to

[[pre-printed]] THURSDAY 13 [[/pre-printed]] the coal mine and examined it. He will probably go down and look at it while he is here. There is some trouble, below, between Ennis & his party. Morning. Make flapjacks & bread with saleratus & cream of Tartar & they both prove rather a failure. The old Koyoukon Tyone in again today. Nothing of any importance occurs. Discuss the tragedy of Nulato in which Bernard was killed by Larriowns brother, also the bidarshik and interpreter at the same time, also 100 Nulatosky burned alive by the Koyoukons and Bernards messenger murdered. The murderer of the bidarshik killed two Indians last fall

[[preprinted]] FRIDAY 14 [[/preprinted]]
who were out on a hunting expedition with him, for their guns & goods, beat their old mother and threw her on the fire when she reproached him, and afterwards forced her to become his wife. He is now hiding in the mountains and Larriown dares not show his head in the Koyoukon, among the Mahlemuts or at Nuklukahyet. Morning. Still warm. 3 above zero Put up birds clean skeleton of squirrel and visit sick man in the casine. Evening. Old Ivan from below comes in. Take a good hot bath and feel much cleaner for it. Sleds with fish back from Takeitsky

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[[preprinted]] SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1866. [[/preprinted]]
Morning a little colder. 2 below zero. Old Koyoukun Tyone in with a lot of Indians who hold a council in our room and hold forth at the top of their lungs for an hour or two in a worse than Babelonian dialect. Finally clear out to our great relief. All getting ready for Francis & Picketts trip down tomorrow. They hope to meet Dyer, if not, Pickett will go down to Unalakleet Francis told K. that he expected I would stay away from the coal mine as he told me at Ulukuk that he intended to do so himself; as if I should not carry out the Colonels orders because of his desire to outstrip everyone else!

[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 16 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. Rise early. Francis, Pickett and Carpoff with some Indians go down the river about 8 A.M. Snowed a little. Get my snow shoes & gun and go out but see no birds. Visit Barnards grave. Killed Feb 16, 1851 by the Koyoukuk Indians. Evening. Old Ivan the Koyoukuk chief whose brother killed him, has a grand blow out to celebrate the ceasing from mourning of his child, who died a year ago. Indians gaily dressed from many parts of the country attend. Dances to four points of the compass and around a feathered pole hung with presents of beads tobacco & wolfskin. Eatables handed round

[[preprinted]] MONDAY 17 [[/preprinted]]
Morning. A fox gets into Ivans trap and drags it away, gets into an air hole in the Nulato river and is drowned. I make arrangements with him to get the bones of all the foxes wolves & bears he may trap while I am here. A good many Indians in the room in the morning till the Captain gets rampageous & turns them all out. [[Give?]] Larriowns wife a lot of wiperote skins to make miniature dresses of the various tribes for the Smithsonian. Write on vocabularies in the P.M.

Transcription Notes:
Name is Yagor (presumably Yagor Ivanovich, assistant to Ivan Pavloff) Name is Larriown