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[[pre-printed]] TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1866. [[/pre-printed]]
Morning ten below zero beautifully clear and cold. Ivan gets another fox in his trap. Several Indians in in the morning, but most of them have gone away. Work on my vocabularies. Kurilla make Whymper a drawing table at the window. Have baked white fish for dinner. [[image - pencil drawing of floor plan]] Ivan and Yagor into dinner. They leave for Nuicargut day after tomorrow to buy ten sable parkies of a chief there. Evening write up notes about the Mahlemuts. Give old Zagorsha 25 musket balls.

[[pre-printed]] WEDNESDAY 19 [[/pre-printed]]
Morning. After breakfast go out with Kurill and set traps for foxes and rabbits. Set the two fox traps near a dead dog on the river and four small ones in rabbit tracks in the woods. Come back and go into the caseen find the Captain and Mike there then into the house. Fix the door which was full of cracks. Have flapjacks for dinner write up notes after dinner, this do nothing life is very stupid.

[[pre-printed]] THURSDAY 20 [[/pre-printed]]
Morning. Directly after breakfast go out with Kurilla and look at the traps but find nothing in them. A crow caught in the bidarshiks large fox trap, see some white grouse coming back and point them out to Larriown.
Yagor in to dinner and after dinner go to work and skin the crow which is a vile nasty job as it was both lousy and stinking though quite sound. Set the fox to thaw out preparatory to boiling snow in the evening
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[[pre-printed]] FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1866. [[/pre-printed]]
Morning. After breakfast go round to look at the traps but find nothing in them. Back just in time to take a good hot steam bath. Afternoon boil the fox and partly clean the bones. A good many Indian women and Larriown in. Get some reindeer hides and mats to cover the floor. Get two sable bodies for the bones of Larriown who is like the horseleeches daughter never satisfied. Also a good piece of deer meat which is the first w have had for a good while. Snow & growing cold. Sick Russian on hand, first known case of g. in the country

[[pre-printed]] SATURDAY 22 [[/pre-printed]]
Morning. Reindeer meat for breakfast. Soon after breakfast send Kurill to look at the traps. Get to work and make a brackett for the pole we intend to raise Christmas day. Carpoff arrives with the teams. 4 sleds from Ivans Barrabora bringing everything from below but the keg of molasses which some Indians have tapped and let run over the ground. He has made very quick time, only sleeping twice on the road. Evening, write a Christmas story, and talk over trip up the river next spring.

[[pre-printed]] SUNDAY 23 [[/pre-printed]]
Morning. Getting colder. 37 below zero and West wind. Skin some white grouse which is very chilly business in this cold room. Make some gingerbread and get some fish from the fish trap where there is a good deal today. Nearly all losh and whitefish. Captain fits off Carpoff for his trip to Kokoyoukuk for grouse & rabbits for food. Evening write on notes about the Mahlemuts.

Transcription Notes:
Name is Larriown