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[[preprinted]] CASH ACCOUNT AUGUST. [[/preprinted]]
[[4 columns with later two divided by line represented by decimal point]]
[[preprinted]] Date                             Received   Paid [[/preprinted]]

 On hand in halves.                            $20.00
 " " " [[Dittos for: On hand in]] quarters      20.00
 " " " [[Dittos for: On hand in]] double eagles 40.00
 Due from Black, Paid Aug 19.                   10.00
 On hand in dimes                               5.00
 Rem. on hand                                   4.00
Sept 19 Paid steward for cutting hair                     1.00

28 Paid Ritchie for watch                                15.00
" [[Ditto for: 28]] Green for skin boots & drill          2.00
" [[Ditto for: 28]] Enclose to R.E.C. Stearns on a/c     20.00
" [[Ditto for: 28]] Pay Dyer for forceps.                 5.00
" " [[Ditto for: 28 Pay]] Hop chest for flannel & needles 2.15
30 Lend Woods, (foreman)                                  2.50

[[horizontal line]]

                                                 99.00   47.65
On hand                                                  51.35
                                                 99.00   99.00
[[horizontal line]]
October                                          On Hand
1. Lent Ketchum                                  51.10   20.00
12. 1 deerskin                                             .60
14. Rec'd of Woods on a/c                        2.49
14. P'd to Co a/c for socks, tobacco, pipe.               3.82
20. On a/c of Co. parkie, boots.              

9 Boots.                                                  1.75
11. Dyer on a/c                                            .50
10. Smith                                                  .10
Dec 2 Ketchum for rabbitskin blanket                     10.00
" [[Ditto for: Dec]] Whymper lent                         8.00

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] CASH ACCOUNT SEPTEMBER. [[/preprinted]]
[[4 columns with later two divided by line represented by decimal point]]
[[preprinted]] Date                             Received   Paid [[/preprinted]]
Dec.                                            $
15. Rec'd from Whymper.                         3.00
On hand.                                        6.75
Due from Whymper.                               5.00
Drew 10 lbs. Cora Lee tobacco.                            6.70
Paid for Russian tobacco 1/2 lb                            .10
Lent Captain Ketchum previously                20.00
   Against which have drawn                              14.80
1867   Credit on goatskin parkie                9.00
Jan 22  Beads (paid Ivan)                                 1.35
Paid for tea to Andrea                                    1.25
28 " [[Ditto for: Paid]] for drill to Ivan                 .50
   " " [[Ditto for: Paid for]] more beads - small          .50
   " " [[Ditto for: Paid for]] Yagor for work             2.00
   "  [[Ditto for: Paid]] Pickett in silver               1.50
Feb 15  Rec'd from Whymper                                6.70
        Paid Yagor for work                                .60
April 10 On a/c of Ivan $3.36 from store

Transcription Notes:
Rem. on hand = prob. abbreviation for "Remaining" on hand on a/c = on account SI wants us to transcribe " as " [[Ditto for: text]] SI wants anything transcribers write that's not in the text inside double square brackets. ie [[text transcriber adds to explain]] This is b/c projects sometimes use single square brackets in text.