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[[strikethrough preprinted]] Bills Payable [[/strikethrough preprinted]] Letters written [[preprinted]] June. [[/preprinted]]

[[preprinted]] Date. Name. Dolls. Cts. [[/preprinted]]
7. P.P. Carpenter Baird, Tryon, & copies of papers
8. Cooper. M.SS. Stimpson MSS. & letter. Gould MSS & letter
8. Tryon MSS & letter. Geo. C. Walker. Horn. Edward
8 Putnam & p. Kirtland & p. Cassin & p. Corr. Sec'y B.S.N.H.
8 Torrey & p. Bannister & p. Bryant & p. Dana & p.
8 Agassiz & p. Wyman & p. Phil. Acad. & p. Scammon
8 Blatchford. Thompson. Binney p. Father Theobald
8 Papers to Verrill. Packard. Stimpson Scudder, Gill
8 Prime. Mason, Gould. Cope. Hyatt. Wm Dall
8 Collyer, Newman. Ellen Wilde. A. [[M.? N.?]] Cleveland.
8 Isaac Lea. N. Orl. Acad. Sci. Libr. Harv. Coll. Foster
8 Morse, Anthony. Bolles. Crosse. Cpr. Dr. Wilson.
8 I. E. Gray. Moquim Sandon. Mother. 15. Baird,
15 Walker, Stimpson. 16. Carpenter. Mother. Tryon.
15 Cooper. 21 [[cross with 4 dots symbol signifying continued below]] 
[[preprinted]] Receivable. [[/preprinted]]
June 2 Prof. Baird, (May 7.) 4. Gill. Journal from Prof Dana
     4 Canfield (June 1st.) 5 Mother & Sadie (May 3.)
     7 Prof. J. D. Dana (May 10.) 19. Cooper. MSS.
     23 Mother (May 21) Mother (May 31) Prof. Baird (May 28
     23 Miss Merriam (May 29.) 29 Cooper (June 26)

[[cross with four dots linking below list to above]]
 Written Continued
19 Cooper. 21. Prof. Whitney. 25. Miss Merriam.
29 Carpenter. Putnam, Walker. Gould
29 Baird. Mother. Father 30 Mrs Kennicott.

Total Written ^[[insertion]] or sent [[/insertion]] = 79. - of which 30 were papers.
since Jan 1. - 164 -
Recd - 11 -
Since Jan 1. - 88 -

[[end page]]

[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] Bills Payable. July. [[/preprinted]]

[[preprinted]] Date. Name. Dolls. Cts. [[/preprinted]]
1 G. H. Mumford. 3rd. Dr. F. Mueller.
6 Prof S. F. Baird. Mother. G. Walker.
9 Carpenter (via Jewett.) Canfield.
29 Kennicott. 31 Ellen M Wilde. Father.
Total 10
Since Jan 1. 174.

[[preprinted]] Receivable. [[/preprinted]]
2 H. W. Elliott. (May 24.) C. Prof Baird (June 3 & 10)
6 Mother & Sadie (June 1.) Miss Merriam (June 1)
Total 4
Since Jan 1. 92.