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[[strikethrough preprinted]] Bills Payable [[/strikethrough preprinted]] letters written [[preprinted]] August [[/preprinted]]

[[preprinted]] Date. Name.  Dolls.  Cts. [[/preprinted]]

2 Miss Merriam.
Since Jan. 1. 175.
Rec'd " "  [[Ditto for: Since Jan.]] 92.

[[preprinted]] Receivable. [[/preprinted]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[strikethrough preprinted]] Bills Payable [[/strikethrough preprinted]] Letters written [[preprinted]] September. [[/preprinted]]
[[preprinted]] Date.   Name.   Dolls.   Cts. [[/preprinted]]

5 R. Kennicott.  Saml Hubbard (per Ryder).
18.  C. L. Low.  Mother.  Stearns & Baird (per Manuella) (and also Merriam, Wilde & father)
25. Miss de Ro.  Doctor A. A. Gould. Edith King
26 Geo C. Walker. Prof. Baird. Mother. Bischoff
26 Dr. Fisher | Phil. Acad. Sci. Chi. Acad. Sci. Essex Ins.
26 | Boston Soc N. Hist. Dr Bryant. Prof Dana.
26 | Verrill. Wyman. Putnam. Cope. Prof. Agassiz.
26 | Dr. Torrey. Mr. Collyer. A. Hyatt. J. W. Foster.
27 Hubbard. Baird. Stearns. Chappel.
28. Low. Stearns. Pease. Mrs. Kennicott. J. Y. Scammon. 
28 Mr. Mumford.
29 L. Merriam. F. Newell.
Since Sept 1st 42. Since Jan 1st 217
Rec'd " " " [[Dittos for: Since Sept 1st]]  4. " " " [[Dittos for: Since Jan 1st]] 96.

[[preprinted]] Receivable. [[/preprinted]]

19. (Per Evelyn Wood from Victoria) Aunt Sarah. Je. 18.
27. By way of Fort Youkon enclosed to Kennicott
27 and brought down by Ketchum.  Mother 2
27 Mrs. Kennicott 1.  Total 4.

Transcription Notes:
Ambrosia: Reviewed and edited.