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15. Geo. C. Walker. I have rec'd through the kindness of Prof. Baird a telegram stating that a portion of the Academys collection I can only conjecture how large had been destroyed by fire. Tell our friends of the Chicago Academy that this news sad and depressing as it is ^ [[insertion]] for the moment [[/insertion]], will only encourage us to strain every muscle to replace what we might otherwise only have duplicated and ^ [[insertion]] granting us health strength & opportunity [[/insertion]] we shall return heavily laden from the North, expecting to greet a full fledged Phoenix in Chicago!
15. Prof. Baird. Almost the same. (see opp page bottom)
29.  "      " [[Dittos for: Prof. Baird]] Not yet off. Col. Knox & Anasof left on steamer 23rd. Have sent two telegrams for particulars of fire, but as wire has been down no news ensued. N.Y. Lyceum also gone up. Shan't get off before July 4th. Capt Scammon helping with might and main. Enclose slip from Alta about Chi. Acad. Sci. Col. Jewett here but not strong enough for field work. Should like to make a dash at the Cal shells when I get back. Not many shells up North. Shall do most on botany, fish and bones. Sorry not to have Elliott. Go direct to Youkon mouth & bring up at Petropavlovsk.
28. Geo C. Walker. Enclosing Report of Cal. Ac. meeting & resolutions &c also slip from Alta. Speak of telegrams. Offers of Newcomb and Jewett. Business portion of the Acad. Chi. should be done up brown. Ask for corresponding memberships for Stearns and myself. Notifications to Scammon and Bulkley never sent.
July 6. 1866. Prof. Baird. Enclosing copy of Elliotts letter, and of my note to Mr. Mumford. Orders
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are to report on board Nightingale ready for sea Saturday P.M. Very anxious to get off. Particulars of skull found lately in the auriferous gravel deposites. Shall work hard for the cause. Dr Hillebrand here. Col. Jewett may possibly soon return. Sent orders (see book) to Elliott some weeks since. Grand Ethnological Exhibition in Calcutta 2 years hence.
July 9. Watker. Chicago. Off tomorrow. No. news yet rec'd of fire. Dr. Hillebrand has been here & endeavors to interest him and Ferdinand Muller of Australia in the Acad. Fisher and the Caldwell; regards to friends &c.
July 8. F.W Wicker. Having been notified that Rob't Caldwell is or will be transferred to the Golden Gate in the capacity of Hospital Steward, notwithstanding the order in Col. Bulkleys own handwriting assigning him to duty with me, and where as another equally competent man (Dixon) remains unemployed; therefore while acquiescing in your decision as required by discipline and good order, I must respectfully protest against any such transfer or change, as unnecessary, unauthorized, and in direct conflict with the wishes and orders of Col. Bulkley as expressed in his letter to me, which I am ready to present for examination at any time.  
June 15 Prof. Baird. Your telegram rec'd last night, 4 days coming. Have telegraphed for more particulars. Hope as usual it is exaggerated. My own library & coll. have probably gone. It will only nerve us to greater exertions to replace, what before we might only have duplicated. Send Alta slip with a/c of Pope his underscored, also sketch of operculum Amphissa versicolor D. please send Cpr. Also by mail type of H. chersinella Dall. drawing and des. sent Tryon. Geol. Survey all gone into the field. S. Cal oil a small success. Gabb just got back Scammon disgusted. B wants to be the great I AM. I repres. the honor to be gained by ex. Yukon mouth. He is very anxious to rem on Cal. coast & study whales. Ayres not now necessary? No signs of getting off. Have got instruments & hope to measure some [[Kam.?]] volcanoes.

Transcription Notes:
Word probably "Kam." in last line; Dall did do some climbing/measuring of heights in Kamchatka/Petropavlovsk area - he mentions later in diary **Proper names most all checked. SI recommends (although not in tips) insertions in text to be transcribed [[insertion]] text [[/insertion]] H. chersinella is a conch shell Dall published a paper about (search google for the book ref)