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bout sending up my things, refusing to let them go unless I came after them.  If these fellows keep meddling in my business they will catch a Tartar.  Francis is a bilk.  He is going to attempt a survey of a coal mine 300 miles below Contog.  I wish him no worse than to be set to mining at the one I looked at upon his own representations that it is good.  Turn in early with a bad headache. 
[[line]] Friday Jan 4. [[line]]
Morning.  Capt. K. proposes to go down to the Redoubt on business with Mike.  Give him letters for Bendeleben and Ennis, and a list of things to bring up from the fort.  Get two good white grouse, two woodpecker which I skin & some squirrel skins from Ivan, & and a sable from Pickett.
[[line]] Saturday Jan 5. [[line]]
Morning mild and snowing.  Capt Ketchum, Mike and Carpoff with four sled & indians leave for Unalakleet.  Russian Christmas.  Skin a raven two grouse & put away a lot of specimens. Evening a dance in the casine.  Only Dyer, W. & P. besides my self here.  Have a bad ulcerated sore throat & cough.
[[line]] Sunday, Jan 6 [[line]]
Morning cloudy.  Start off with Pickett for the place where the blacksmith cuts the birch.  Start on snowshoes across the river two miles and up the opposite bank through the woods three miles through deep snow when not finding any signs of him conclude to turn back which we do and after reaching the river, he overtakes us and has no birch and has broken his sled.  Reach the fort in time for a very good dinner to which Ivan and Yagor are invited.
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[[line]] Monday Jan 7, 1867 [[line]]
Morning.  Still warm.  Read Tennyson and don't fully appreciate In memoriam.  Evening work on rabbit bones which smell badly.  Turn in early.
[[line]] Tuesday Jan 8 [[line]]
Morning.  Walk down below the Nulato river to find my lapka's and returning find old Yakoutsk has brought them up.  Pickett goes out with Kurill to look for birch and finds one tree fit to make the Hudson Bay sleds.  Philca brings me in a new and beautiful bird.  Evening pack away and catalogue 21 rabbit's bones.  Turn in late.
[[line]] Wednesday Jan 9. [[line]]
Morning.  Skin birds and work at Scientific work all day and evening Larriown gets back from Kokoyoukuk.  Yagor gives me some wolverine feet.  Pickett goes out and brings in a birch for sleds.
[[line]] Thursday Jan 10 [[line]]
Peetka brings me in eight or ten red birds and I work over them and put away some other specimens. Larriown,  the old scoundrel is back from Koyoukuk with his wife and boy.
[[line]] Friday Jan 11 [[line]]
Larriown in from morning till night, buy a sable from him.  Skin birds and work at specimens all day tomorrow is New Years Day of the Russians.  Get a bath and set Onilna at making me a norka fire bag.  Day cold & snowing.
[[line]] Saturday Jan 12 [[line]]
Morning.  Clear and cold -25.  Get my fire bag finished.  Evening skin four or five birds.  Forty five birds of thirteen species since my arrival.  Fine aurora for the second time this winter.

Transcription Notes:
Idiom: "catch a Tartar" - to deal with someone or something that proves unexpectedly troublesome or powerful