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in the casarmé after this, so that the Captain tells him that the whole thing shall be reported to Stepanoff.

[[line]] Sunday Feb. 24 [[line]]
Morning. Warm & windy. Dyer makes bread. Get out some tobacco from the Russian store Label & put away some specimens. Bad heartburn all day.

[[line]] Monday Feb 25 [[line]]
Quite unwell with cardalgia. Lay around miserable all day. Send book & letters down by Yagor tomorrow.

[[line]] Tuesday Feb 26 [[line]]
Finish letter to father. Still miserably bilious all day

[[line]] Wednesday Feb 27 [[line]]
Go outside the Fort for a little. Ditto to yesterday. 15 gr. calomel.

[[line]] Thursday, Feb 28 [[line]]
Morning, better. First water in the Nulato River. Go over to the point of the Massacre and take angles for my map come back with Whymper, feeling rather weak. Evening work on map. A chilly south wind & cloudy sky.

[[line]] Friday March 1 [[line]]
Morning. Start at work on a rough transit instrument for taking angles. Fix a hand on my watch out of the silver wire from a piece of violin string. Take a bath not very comfortable in the outer room as the warm weather sets every thing a dripping. Skin two partridges in evening. Squirtsoffs sister wants me to take her

[[line]] Saturday Mar 2 [[line]]
Morning, go to work to get out goods for the Captains and my expeditions. About noon Mike and the sleds arrived with the new dogs but without the Indians who are to come up soon. Ennis has left written orders for E.E. Smith to nail bracketts on poles & to report to F. M. Smith. This is a gross outrage on decency Francis [[tozher?]]. Pickett does not go to Fort Youkon. 
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[[line]] Sunday, March 3, 1867 [[line]]
Morning. Clean out and take up the deerskin mats. Get out goods for trip. Make dumplings & sauce for dinner. Work on transit. Evening skin a grouse.

[[line]] Monday Mar. 4th [[line]]
Morning. Make handles to two kettles and finish my transit Ingechook comes up and says that Lofka & Andrea the two men who were to go up country with Capt Ketchum have backed out. Get Peetka & a robotnik from the Russians to take their places. One new sled finished.

[[line]] Tuesday Mar. 5th [[line]]
Morning. Work over goods. fix lock & hinges on a box for the Captain. Do a lot of odd jobs, get collar & cuffs on a red shirt to wear up the river. May go up four or five days with the Captain & an extra sled to Sakatalontas. Evening magnificent Aurora which moves like clouds.

[[line]] Wednesday, Mar. 6th [[line]]
Morning. Kurill brings in four birds. Peetka pays me a sable for dressing his hand since he hurt it. Make a huckleberry pudding & sauce. Afternoon take some angles. feed the dogs. write out report for Capt. K. Skin a partridge & turn in

[[line]] Thursday Mar 7 [[line]]
Morning. Up to the site for our station & lay out the four corners. 100 x 65. [[image - pencil drawing of plan of station building]] Back and work on map and try to get a pair of snowshoes. Evening skin four red birds that Kurill brought in.
[[line]] Friday Mar. 8 [[line]]
Morning. Have a bath on our own hook. Put away a lot of birds. Write to mother and to Prof Baird. Get authority to sign for the company on out trip for Fort Youkon. Getting medicine and a few scientific stores for Capts trip.

Transcription Notes:
casarmé - word used previously in diary