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[[line]] Saturday Mar 9. 1867 [[line]] 
Morning. Skin a partridge & rabbit. All hands out after rabbits. Blacksmith puts the bone on the sleds Takeitsky Indians brings us some grouse & small birds

[[line]] Sunday Mar 10. 1867 [[line]]
Morning. Load the sleds for starting tomorrow. Spend the day getting things together for the Captains trip. Evening. Skin two woodpeckers.

[[line]] Monday Mar. 11th [[line]]
Rise early. Capt Ketchum leaves for Fort Youkon ^[[insertion]] 8am. [[insertion]] with Mike Lebarge four sleds, 14 dogs, Peetka, Capsula, David and Stoneman, about 1200 lbs of provisions & trading goods. Give him three rounds of the big cannon & a dozen or two revolver shots. Hoist the U.S. flag. Clean up the room after they are all gone put away a number of specimens. Day dull and cloudy.

[[line]] Tuesday March 12th [[line]]
Morning. Sort a lot of beads. Afternoon write on vocabularies. Premoska &c. A little scandal on the part of Zagorshas hosaker & Temoshka to enliven the dullness

[[line]] Wednesday Mar 13 [[line]]
Write up and finish Premoska vocabulary and in afternoon walk over to the island with Whymper take a few angles for my chart and return -

[[line]] Thursday Mar 14 [[line]]
Work on vocabularies and angles, day snowy and damp

[[line]] Friday Mar 15. [[line]]
Morning. Take a bath. Work on catalogue of specimens and on the chart. Very dull and moist, river thawing.

[[line]] Saturday Mar 16. [[line]]
Morning. Finish catalogue (copy) of specimens. Put up paper in my plant presses for future use. Make a hundred small paper bags for insects and mosses in the summer. News that Ketchum is one day beyond Kokoyou ^ [[insertion]] kuk [[/insertion]]

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[[start page]]

[[line]] Sunday, March 17th. 1867 [[line]]
Morning. Set to work to copy my meteorological observations for the past six months and spend all day at it. Whymper makes some pies. Dull & chilly

[[line]] Monday, Mar. 18 [[line]]
Morning. Kurilla goes out and brings back three birds a squirrel and a sable which he has shot. In the after noon Zagorsha gets back from Unalakleet bringing the bidarra. No oil, no dog feed no lovtak to mend it with. Grub nearly all out, at Unalakleet only ten shoulders of bacon left. Flour, beans, and vegetables, only, in store. Libby wrote two months ago that his men would be out of grub in six weeks. No reindeer meat at Unalakleet. This is a specimen of what the company has provided for us in a barren wilderness.

[[line]] Tuesday, Mar. 19. [[line]]
Morning. Skin the sable, Kurilla shot, a long job as the skin sticks very close. After noon skin four birds Yagor arrives but has left his sleds near Coal Bluff. Tagorsha and Yemoshka go after them. Paspilkoff is transferred to our Company and the Russians are nearly out of tea. An eclipse of the moon nearly total about the middle of the evening.

[[line]] Wednesday Mar 20 [[line]]
Morning. get letters from Caldwell (2) Capt Smith by Yagor. Poor Bendeleben has gone crazy. He calls himself Beaver, and Chief of the Kaviaks. He left Grantley Harbor with a small sled & no dogs or provisions, and an old squaw. This country is the devil for nervous minds. Ennis has got back. Skin eleven birds, and go up on snow shoes to the site of our house to break a road for the black smith to haul logs on. Clears off cold.

Transcription Notes:
For best guess Transcription Centre would prefer if transcribed [[text?]] Only need to put [[end page]] [[start page]] when going from one page to next.