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[[line]] Thursday, Mar. 21 [[line]]
Morning. Work over and label about 20 birds. Go down to the the Nulato River which is very soft; and take angles and go up the various branches for a mile or two each on snowshoes, rather hard work. Evening Yagor in

[[line]] Friday Mar. 22 [[line]]
Skin a bird and work on chart. take a good hot bath and change everything. PM. work on map

[[line]] Saturday Mar. 23 [[line]]
Put away a lot of birds and specimens. Work over map and get it nearly done. Onilno and Creve bring down a deer from Koyoukuk of which we get a fore quarter. Arrange to send Antoshka up after rabbits.

[[line]] Sunday Mar. 24 [[line]]
Snowing hard all day. Work on map. In the after noon go up to the house with Pickett & all the Russians & the blacksmith on snowshoes and haul up two very heavy logs for the foundations.

[[line]] Monday Mar 25 [[line]]
Still snowing, very mild and warm. Skin 3 birds work over maps all day. Evening clears off and foggy.

[[line]] Tuesday Mar 26 [[line]]
Morning warm & cloudy. Work on map. After dinner go up with Dyer and Whymper to the house and help the blacksmith with some logs. Back by the bank

[[line]] Wednesday Mar 27 [[line]]
Morning. Finish map. Cut two telegraph poles and finish trimming them. Skin a very large fish and get two mice.

[[line]] Thursday Mar. 28 [[line]]
Morning cold and blowing hard. Write up catalogue. Two men down from Koyoukuk with 21 rabbits which we buy. Buy a pair of mittens from Onlino. Fit up Antoshka for trip
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[[line]] Friday. March 28 1867 [[line]]
Morning, a cold snap -40. Send Antoshka and Paspilkoff Malchiska down to Yakoutskalatenik after Joes bidark, to pick up Monday at Woolysatuks barrabora. Go out and cut two telegraph poles, eight inches at the butt, five at the top and 18 ft long, and trim them Back and take a good hot steam bath
[[line]] Saturday, March, 30 [[line]]
Morning. Warmer, cloudy. Go out and cut-three telegraph poles. Only two more to be cut to make up the mile. Evening write. Ivan has a fit of haematopsis

[[line]] Sunday, Mar. 31 [[line]]
Morning. Go out with Pickett and the dogs and haul ten telegraph poles to their places. Back to dinner get a new fish and some grouse. Growing milder

[[line]] Monday April 1 [[line]]
Morning. Go out with Pickett cut two poles and fix on a place for a house. Skin two grouse and get old Lizzies father to work on a pair of snowshoes.

[[line]] Tuesday April 2 [[line]]
Go up with Kurilla and Pickett and the dogs and haul the remainder of the telegraph poles and cut two more making the mile complete. Arrange to go over to Takitesky with Kurill. Pack Box no 3 and put it ready with a letter to send to Denis on at Unalakleet by old Ivan who goes down tomorrow

[[line]] Wednesday April 3 [[line]]
Morning. Go up to the house and cut three trees. Get ready to go to Takitesky with Kurill tomorrow Ivan leaves for Unalakleet

[[line]] Thursday Apr. 4 [[line]]
Left Nulato in a snow storm 9.30 with Whymper & Kurill. Left W. at the fishtraps at 10.15. Met Yagor opposite the coal mine on his way up to Nulato.

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