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[[underline]] stolidus [[/underline]]     21

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October 27, 
Santa Cruz,
Academy Bay

[[left margin column of crosshatch marking]] Form of LCN? Bird on ledge of cliff. Looks like potential nest-site. Gives note whenever another Noddy flies nearby.  Each note a Rattle or Tuking (will call Tuking in my notes, but really a rattle), quite mechanical in sound, "r-r-r-r-r-r."  Each note accompanied by slight by definite upward and forward stretching of the neck.  Head remains more or less horizontal.  Bill widely opened during note.  Relaxation complete between notes

[[sketch--head and torso of bird with beak open]]

[[caption]] Posture during Tuking note]]

Have heard same note given by flying birds, (from usual unritualized postures)

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