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[[underline]]inca[[/underline]], Nov. 11, 1955, IV [[encircled 44]]

*redir. on mate Ending 9:35

gost[[checkmark]] - St[[checkmark]] - [[horizontal oval]][[checkmark]] - [[vertical oval]] [[checkmark]]-[[horizontal oval]][[checkmark]] - [[vertical oval]] [[checkmark]]-[[horizontal oval]][[checkmark]] - [[vertical oval]] [[checkmark]]-St[[checkmark]] 
[[vertical oval]] [[checkmark]]-[[horizontal oval]][[checkmark]] - [[vertical oval]] [[checkmark]]-[[horizontal oval]][[checkmark]] - [[vertical oval]] [[checkmark] - gost[[checkmark]] - St[[checkmark]] - gost [[checkmark]]- St.[[checkmark]] F +[[checkmark]] cht - [[horizontal oval]]- [[vertical oval]][[checkmark]]-[[horizontal oval]]- St[[checkmark]]-F +[[checkmark]] cht - gost[[checkmark]] - St.[[checkmark]] [[vertical oval]][[checkmark]]-[[horizontal oval]]-[[vertical oval]] [[checkmark]]-[[horizontal oval]][[checkmark]] - [[vertical oval]] [[checkmark]]-[[horizontal oval]][[checkmark]] - [[vertical oval]] [[checkmark]] [[vertical oval]] [[checkmark]]-[[horizontal oval]][[checkmark]] - [[vertical oval]] [[checkmark]]-[[horizontal oval]][[checkmark]] - [[vertical oval]] [[checkmark]]-[[horizontal oval]][[checkmark]] - [[vertical oval]] [[checkmark]]- F +[[checkmark]] cht - [[horizontal oval]][[checkmark]] - [[vertical oval]] [[checkmark]]

During these bouts of mutual displays, provoked by an intruder and redirected upon mate, it is noticeable that mates tend to do the same things but are only synchronized part of the time. 9:05.

[[circle with red line extending out at 1 o'clock]]M.C. [[male symbol]] does agg. V [[checkmark]] - HF[[checkmark]] - HF[[checkmark]] - agg. V [[checkmark]]- gost[[checkmark]] - V [[checkmark]]- gost[[checkmark]] -V[[checkmark]]

[[female symbol]] does agg V [[checkmark]]- HF[[checkmark]]- gost[[checkmark]] - V[[checkmark]] - gost[[checkmark]] - V[[checkmark]].

Watching another copulation. Much as yesterday [[female symbol]] HB in H + R, with much head-turning. [[male symbol]] in agg V - [[horizontal oval]] - agg V - [[horizontal oval]] - agg V. Again slow. Notice that [[female symbol]]'s [[underline]] yellow-winged cloaca is constantly opening + closing during her soliciting  [[/underline]]. (This may be visible to the [[male symbol]] in some circumstances; as the whole rear end of her body is tilted [[and symbol]] raised.) Again, she didn't droop her wings until [[male symbol]] mounted. [[male symbol]] copulated twice.  Then slid off. No display by [[female symbol]]. Agg V - HF - V by the [[male symbol]]. 9:17

There is almost certainly no Copulation Call in this species.

Almost certainly no Alarm Call.

Almost certainly no Landing Call.

Watching nest-site selection going on. Perhaps same pair as earlier, but in a different area. Behavior just as described above.

Have twice seen one of the birds in Silent Panics fly off in Moth Flight [[and symbol]] aerial St. Unfortunately didn't see what provoked the panics.

[[drawings -Vertical lines in rectangular pattern and crosshatches of differing directions and patterns along left margin.]]