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[[underline]] maculipennis [[/underline]], Dec. 27, 1955, II.

mean that the Swoop of this species is necessarily relatively little exaggerated. This particular bird was very aggressive; and one might expect expect him to do relatively little in the way of display. This behavior was very close to "pure" attack).

Had a good view and hearing of M. By [[image - male symbol]], after MC. Stood in V. On put head to ground (only approximately a typical M posture," if that) On stood in "pre Choking", semi-V, tail up posture. Bill closed or almost closed. M notes might be transcribed as "Waaaaah"; but essentially un-transcrib-able. Rather muffled; but not very plaintive [[underline]] Very strong [[/underline]], rolling, "undertone" of "r-r-r-r....."

[[underline]] scoresbii [[/underline]] a.m. December 29, 1955, Porvenir Bay

All behavior by adults in nuptial plumage - unless otherwise noted.

Watching a group of these birds along waterfront. Feeding in a crowded mass on beach; then fly to rocks in water to nest a while. Adults in nuptial plumage, almost complete nuptial plumage make up about 1/3 of the birds. Adults in winter plumage, or almost complete winter plumage, make up another 1/3. Juvenals (and/or immatures??) make up the rest.

These birds are quite remarkably stolid. Have seen quite a bit of low intensity "pure" fighting or attack behavior, and quite a bit of "pure" retreat & escape; but the birds do [[underline]] remarkably [[/underline]] little in the way of displays

The pure attack is quite conventional. Forward & upward pecks usuallyn (Like my drawing of "semi-O in B.h.G thesis). Bill opened widely but briefly during such pecks. Conspicuously crimson on both inside & outside. (On outside, darkest & most brilliant toward tip; pale, almost flesh-colored, toward gape). I don't think that this can be a real ritualized "G" pattern.

Usual "Alarm Posture". Usual forms of retreat & escape.

Have heard quite a number of Al.C's, but they may all have been