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[[underline]] maculipennis [[/underline]], Dec. 31, 1955, II.

Another, somewhat similar, case. Again a bird with food in its bill was chased by a Kelp Gull in long pursuit flight. This time the pursued bird uttered a whole series of these long LCN's, in extreme O posture, with the food still held firmly in its bill!

Have seen several more M.C's  Both O-F-V&HF and V&HF types. 

Have seen two different birds, during M.C.'s do O [[image-arrow pointing to the right]] [[underline]] F&HF [[/underline]] [[image-arrow pointing to right]] V&HF.

Heard a flying bird utter an aerial LCN [[underline]] just like [[/underline]] "Kwarr" of BhG.

The Landing Calls of this species are really remarkably elaborate. Quite as elaborate as ground L.C. ([[underline]] and sound just like some ground L.C.'s[[/underline]])

[[image-7 horizontal lines, each stepping down and each shorter than the previous line]] sort of thing.

Speaking of ground L.C.'s, (and this may be a repeat), the usual series of notes is certainly one of increasing brevity and depth of pitch. A very common type might be represented thus:
[[image-6 horizontal lines stepping down and each shorter than the preceding line; O under first line, transition O [[arrow to right]] F under second line, F encompassing last 4 lines]]

The nearest thing to "sexual" behavior I have seen recently is mutual "FB"  Both birds T'ing from H. The [[image-symbol for male]] goes up into V, does one extreme HB, relapses into T'ing from H. Then both birds relax & shut up.

Have seen another flying bird make a [[underline]] silent [[/underline]] Swoop (flying) and Soar (gliding) toward a [[Skua?]]. This time, however, the [[Skua?]] was standing on the ground, and the Swoop and Soar, although moderately steep, were relatively short. Not repeated. On general, some of the gulls seem to be as upset by the presence of [[Skuas?]] as are the S. American Terns).