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[[circle]] 228 [[/circle]].
[[underline]] scoresbii [[/underline]],Jan. 2, 1956, III

[[image-set of 3 vertical darkened pencil lines 2.5 inch length by .25 width adjacent to .5 inch width by 2.5 inch length of opposing diagonals running perpendicular]]

This species probably has a hostile Gort pattern; but it is very difficult to distinguish, as I always see them on potential feeding grounds and the Gort movements I do see could be very easily feeding int. [[suous?]]. Still birds sometimes Gort when "nervous" at my approach, and sometimes when there is overt intraspecific hostile behavior going on in group; and this sometimes appears to be unconnected with feeding. I must say, though, that I don't think that they give hostile Gorts nearly as frequently as the Belcher's Gulls I saw a month and a half ago.

January 3, 1956, Near Gente Grande.
[[underline]] skua chilensis [[/underline]]

Mr. Mach and I visited a large colony of these birds, very briefly, today. Found no eggs; all young apparently hatched The young birds are found varied from a few days old to 1/3 - 1/2 grown. I didn't manage to see much behavior; but a few interesting facts emerged.

[[image-set of 3 vertical darkened pencil lines 2 inch length by .25 width adjacent to .5 inch width by 2 inch length of opposing diagonals running perpendicular]]

The AlC of the Skua, even at apparently high intensities, is only a monosyllabic or birsyllabic, deep, moderately [[shays?]], hoarse "Huh" or "Huh huh." (It is possible that trisyllabic AlC's occur; but I rather doubt it) [[underline]] The relatively few notes in this AlC would strongly suggest that few-note AlC's are premature [[/underline]] (They have thus far been found in [[?]], all hooded gulls, with one or two possible exceptions, and two large gulls -- [[bender?]] the Skua).
The inside of the mouth of a bird with a broken wing was light turquoise, or, rather, bright aquamarine blue.

[[image-set of 3 vertical darkened pencil lines 2 inch length by .25 width adjacent to .5 inch width by 2 inch length of opposing diagonals running perpendicular]]

The aerial L.C. given by flying birds when we distributed the colony was a 5-7 note affair. Notes deep & hoarse, deeper & hoarser than those of any gull I know; but otherwise similar The whole performance might be represented as: [[image - simple sketch of 5 dashed lines ascending then descending, the uppermost line being the longest]] (I am not sure whether it really went up in pitch in the middle; but it definitely did become strong-
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