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[[underlined]] St. George [[/underlined]] Jan. 4 Down by river. Pond most froze over & slush in river in morning. Mallards, about 50. other ducks com. Coots, 1 killed, 15 seen. Rails heard. Long bill marsh wren, num. Song Sparrows, numerous. Savannahs, com. Meadowlarks, 2. Lophor ortyx gambeli, com. Colaptes mex. 6. Little Falcon, 1. Marsh Hawk 2. Roughleg Hawk, 1 (H) R.w. Blkbirds, com. - roosts in reeds [[end page]] [[start page]] Jan. Shorelarks, 8. Gold Finches, com. " [[Ditto for: Jan]] 5, Swan, 1 in pond. Owl hooting in morning Marsh Hawks, 2, eat dead ducks. Grass Finch 1. Shelldrakes, 15, Green w. Teal, com. Mallards " [[Ditto for: com.]] Rail heard Quails roost in brush & reeds, come in with roar & chatter till settled. " [[Ditto for: Jan]] 7 Jack Swift 1.
Transcription Notes:
Ambrosia: to improved searchability have put in spaces between text and [[underlined]]
Lophortyx gambeli = type of quail