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Jan 22 [[underlined]] Left Clara Creek On first level plateau. [[/underlined]]
snow about 2 in 
Juncos com.
Tamias +
Dipodomys tracks abundant
Evergreen oak.
Woodhouse Jay 1 seen.
[[Sopteras?]] 1.

[[underlined]] Enter lower part of Mts. [[/underlined]]
[[margin]] (snow from 4 in to a foot deep) [[/margin]]
Pipilomegaloux 1.
Woodhouse 1.
Quail tracks com.
Tamias, Wild Cat & Lepus syl. track abn. to summit
[[underlined]] Summit at noon. [[/underlined]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]
Jan. At noon Top of Beverdam Mts
[[line across page]]
Snow a foot deep
Artemisia tridentata com. from edge of hills to summit.
Cedar & a kind of Mt. mahogany the same range.
Evergreen oak from edge of caƱon to the cedars, & then an evergreen shrub like it but with berries to the summit.
Yucca baccata over the summit.
No spruce or large pine.

Transcription Notes:
Juncos = bird Tamias = chipmonk Artemisia tridentata = sage brush