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Jan. Tamias Track num. on the summmit on a foot of snow. [[underlined]] Down hill.[[/underlined]] snow soon gone & bare ground. Lophortyx, a flock near summit. - 20 Tamias, 6 seen. Juncos & Shorelarks & Amphispiza, com. 4 new cacti. Yucca arboriscens, abn, [[underlined]] to Virgin River[[/underlined]] At Beverdam 28 miles [[end page]] [[start page]] Jan.23 [[underlined]] From Beverdam [[/underlined]] Quail 2 flocks, Coon tracks Goose tracks & roost along river at Bever; Thomomys hills com, all day, Lepus syl. 1 seen tracks com, Sialia mex. 7 Grt. Blue heron 1. Anthus Ludovicianus, 1 Dinner [[underlined]] Bunkerville [[/underlined]] 4 P.M. Brewers Blk. bird, com. Redwing " " [[ditto for: Blk. bird com.]] Geese 30, Meadowlarks, com.
Transcription Notes:
Please read tip or help sections before editing. Also think about searchability of text while transcribing.
Amphispiza = type of bird - if you look Vernon changed the second "p" to an "h".
Anthus Ludovicianus = titlark