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[[underlined]] St. Thomas [[/underlined]] Nev.
Jan 28 Monday
[[margin]] Very warm. 72° [[/margin]]
Colaptes mex. 4.
Swainsons buzzard 1.
Sparrow Hawk. 1. 
Meadowlarks. abn.
Pipilo aberti. com.
Quails very num.
Crows. 2.
Red, w. Blk. birds, a few.
Anthus Ludov. 5.
[[bracket]] Pintail Ducks 3. 
Shovelers 2
musk Rat 1
Gold Finches
Falco mex. 1 [[/bracket]] H. 1.
Coyote killed hog & howl in evening,
Lepus sylvaticus 1.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[underlined]] From St Thomas [[/underlined]]
Jan 29. A little frost.
Coyotes howl all night. 
Long billed m. wren 1.
Auratus yellowish 1.
Song sparrows &
Zonotrichias com.
Juncos a few.
Salpinctus, 1 heard 1 seen
Badger tracks & holes
Swift, 1 seen 
" [[Ditto for: Swift]] 1 taken
Tamias 1 seen (5 kill)
Ravens, com.
Auriparus, 4 fresh nests; 4 in one bush one used & 3 evidently 
of the 3 last years.

Transcription Notes:
Colaptes mex = northern Flicker bird (mexicanoides) pipilo aberti = Abert's towhee Anthus Ludovicianus = titlark Shovelers = type of duck Falco mex = falcon Lepus sylvaticus = cottontailed rabbit auratus - northern Flicker bird Zonotrichias = type of sparrow Salpinctus = Salpinctes = rock wren Tamias = chipmunk Auriparus flaviceps = type of bird