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Jan. 29.
Snowgoose 30, 
1 killed. 29 x 17.
[[strikethrough]] Greater Snowgoos, 50, [[/strikethrough]] eat roots of a [[line]]
Auriparus, 1 heard
Salpinctus 1 heard,
Valley sandy,

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[[start page]]

Jan. 30. [[underlined]] To Stones Ferry [[/underlined]] 10 mi.
Auriparus 1
A Blackish Finch with crest 
Snowgeese 50, or more. eat rush roots.
Sialia mex. 8,
Song Sparrows, com.
Quails, abundant.
Tamias tracks, com.
Dipodomys tracks num.
Brewers Blk. bird, num. at ferry
Bever track in Col. R.
Geese heard.
Snowgoose 29 x 16 [[circled]] 5 [[/circled]]
( 2
( 1

Transcription Notes:
Please read tips before editing. Auriparus = virdin bird Salpinctus = Salpinctes = rock wren Tamias = chipmonk Dipodomys = kangaroo rat