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[[top left margin]] RD. Sage 1965 
[[top right margin]] 5 [[circled]]
[[top margin]] Xylocopa sp.
[[underlined]] Playa Cocos, sea level, Guanacaste, Costa Rica [[\underlined]]
[[left margin]] 8 July
16:15 2 bees on tree. Spotted them only as they left. They don't seem to be as obvious as they were in the morning.
16:30 No bees working the tree [[strikethrough]] [[text?]] [[/strikethrough]]
16:45. No bees working the tree. However I did find one resting on underside of a branch on the NE side of tree. Just after I finished counting a strong wind came up which blew flowers to the ground.
17:00 1 bee working flowers on NE side of tree. Wind is still blowing
17:15 2 bees working in the tree. One on the east & one on the west side.
17:30. 1 bee working the NE. side of the tree. What may have been a smaller brownish xylocopa flew off as I rounded the SW side of the tree.
17:45. No bees on tree. The sun is low on the horizon now but still above the horizon.
[[dash]] There were no observed interactions between the bees and the dragonflies which hovered over the tree most of the day. 
18:00 No bees on tree. Sun has disappeared below horizon.