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[[top right margin]] 7 [[circled]]
[[top left margin]] RD. sage 1965
[[top margin]] [[underlined]] Xylocopa [[/underlined]]
Playa Cocos, sea leve, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
[[underlined]] 11 July 1965 [[/underlined]]
about 10-15 feet apart from one another.  When I arrived at 05:30 the flowers were still closed up and of course there were no bees The field is bordered on the SW side by a swampy area, on the NW by acacia forest, on the SE by a road and then a corn-field, and on the NW by houses and the road. The grass was about 2 ft high where it was growing undisturbed. The legume plant was a little shorter.
0555. The sun hit the first flowers in the SW corner of the field.
06:00 No bees, flowers still closed
06:30 No bees flowers still closed
07:15 No bees. Hummingbird (green) visiting flowers.
07:30. No bees.
08:00 No bees.
08:30 No bees. Many monarch-type butterflies at the flowers.
09:00 No bees. A strong wind has been blowing since 08:30
09:30 No bees [[strikethrough]] Stro [[ /strikethrough]]
010:00 No bees. Strongest gusts of wind so far.
010:30 No bees. Wind still blowing.