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[[top left corner]]RD.Sage 1965
[[top right corner]] 15 [circled] 

Xylocopa sp
[[underlined]]Playa Cocos, sea level, Guanacaste, Costa Rica[[/underlined]] 
[[left margin]]15 July      
08:30-09:00.  Returned to the hedge of pink flowers and collected miscellaneous series of bees but no [[underlined]] xylocopa [[/underlined]] seen.

[[underlined]] 7.6 mi NE. Los Canas, via Hwy 19. ^[[1200 ft]]Guanacaste, Costa Rica [[/underlined]] 
[[left margin]]16 July 
17:05. Found a nest in a fence post making up a horse corral.  The nest opening faced to the east and was about 24 inches above the ground -- 20 inches above the grass.  The [[strikethrough]]hole was[[/strikethrough]] burrow was as follows: 
[[image - bee in relationship to opening, noted 3.5" beside image]]
The bee was nesting in the bottom of the burrow with its head facing up.  There was another burrow going up and into the log from the entrance. The bottom of the burrow was empty.  The burrow was about 1/2 in before it before it started to drop down.  Took two pictures of the nest at this point with the recently killed bee in position as I discovered it.  We then began [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] to excavate the upper tunnel.  By the time we