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[[top left margin]] RD Sage 1965
[[top right margin]] 57
Xylocopa sp.
[[underlined]]Huehuetenango, 6200ft, Huehuelenango, Guatemala[[/underlined]]
[[left margin]]4 Sept 1965
one adjacent or only two or three flowers away. Didnt catch it. 07:10 Took another female Notoxylocopa on the purple flower. Scopae were clean. 

[[underlined]]34 mi SSe. Nochixtlan, Via Hwy 190 7100 ft. Oaxaca, Mexico[[/underlined]]
07:30 - 09:10 Located 12 abandoned Xylocopa nests in dead branches of pine trees (SJABot #117) All but one of the nests [[strikethrough]]was[[/strikethrough]] were in lateral branches up to about eye height. One nest [[strikethrough]]on[[/strikethrough]] was in a small sapling which had been killed. [[strikethrough]]I I open[[/strikethrough]] This nest opened to the west. The other nests opened to the underside of the branch. One tree containing Nest 85 had two other nests in another branch at about the same heighth. Both of these nests had been attacked by woodpeckers. Nest 85. On a lateral branch 4 feet above ground. Opening was on underside. It had been destroyed by a woodpecker. 7 recent cells are visible. SJA Bot 117
[[image - diagram of destroyed nest with sizes of the cells, with note at bottom of 182 mm in length]]
Saw a Notoxylocopa fly by at 08:10. Heard what were most certainly the same sp. twice more before 0:900. The area we found the nests in a pine oak forest on a west facing slope. The site is near the top of a ridge.