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VI-22-35: Sailed from N.Y. at noon on United Fruit S.S. "[[Toloa]]", bound for Jamaica and South America. Equipment includes a new motorcycle and sidecar packed with all collecting equipment, four alcohol tanks, etc.; short-wave radio receiving set; portable typewriter; H.O. charts and maps. Papers include letters from Smithsonian Institution, Pan-American Union, consuls of Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic; Special passport with complimentary visas for Gr. Br. & B.W.I, France and possessions, and Haiti. Collecting equipment includes [[beating]] net with two extra frames, sweeping net & extra voile, vials, corks, zinc aspirators, sieve forceps, carpenter tools, cotton, First Aid kit, gasoline lantern, 6 volt-110 A.C. converter for collecting light, extra storage battery and charger, etc. The party consists of myself and wife - Ruth. VI-25-35: On clothing taken from a trunk we found a single bed bug! Must have been picked up in Washington as boat had just been reconditioned and trunk came straight through by express. VI-26-35: Passed occasional floating bunches of sargassum weed,also numerous flying fish. At 3:15 sighted a tiny point on horizon ahead. At 6:30 passed Navassa Island on port, recognizing the lighthouse as what we had seen earlier. It is 2 by 1 miles, 200 ft. high and flat; of volcanic origin, covered with guano; U.S. possession; should have some [[Staphs]].