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^[[23]] ^[[24]] Geological Plan of Jamaica Based On The Map By R.T. Hill, 1898 [image - map of Jamaica printed across two pages with patterns drawn to indicate soil types and circled numbers from 1 to 53, indicating sites of soil profile pits, as described in a legend to the lower left]] [[locations named in map]] Savanna-La-Mar, Montego Bay, Montpelier, Cambridge, St. Ann's Bay, Moneague, Richmond, Annotto Bay, Buff Bay, Kingston, Manchioneal, Bowden [[/locations]] [[underlined]] INDEX [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] GEOLOGICAL FORMATION AGE [[/underlined]] [[image of pattern with v's]] RECENT ALLUVIUM RECENT [[image of pattern with staggered dots]] OLD ALLUVIUM } COASTAL SERIES PLEISTOCENE [[image of pattern with diagonal lines]] MANCHIONEAL BEDS } COASTAL SERIES PLIOCENE [[image of pattern with o's and dashes]] BOWDEN BEDS } COASTAL SERIES MIOCENE [[image of blank white pattern]] WHITE LIMESTONE } OCEANIC SERIES OLIGOCENE [[image of pattern with horizontal lines]] CAMBRIDGE BEDS } BLUE MOUNTAIN SERIES EOCENE [[image of pattern with vertical lines]] RICHMOND BEDS } BLUE MOUNTAIN SERIES EOCENE [[image of pattern with evenly spaced o's]] CONGLOMERATES } BLUE MOUNTAIN SERIES CRETACEOUS [[image of pattern with plus signs]] IGNEOUS ROCKS [[circled]] 7 [[/circled]] SITES OF SOIL PROFILE PITS
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