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[[preprinted]] 26 [[/preprinted]] [[pencil]] Jamaica 25. [[/pencil]] the John Crow Mountains, but always on the opposite side of the valley from them. It is throughout bordered by unkept bananas, with an occasional fresh clearing. The [[margin]] B [[pencil]] B [[/pencil]] [[/margin]] vegetation is exceedingly dense and is full of heavy vines. Every tree trunk is almost hidden by the mass of vines, some two or three inches thick, that entwine it. These vines have large leaves and flowers at considerable heights. The upper parts of the trees also carry a varied but considerable collection of epiphytes. The commonest of these was a relative of the pineapple, with [[margin]] [[underline]] Photo #7 [[/underline]] #8, #9 #10, #11 [[/margin]] large and long leaves (spineless) growing in the manner of a maguey. There are many mosses and others, but I saw none of the Wild Pine which is said to occur in this way. There are large clumps of bamboo along this road. They are sometimes forty feet high and the individual stems up to four or five inches in diameter. [[underline]] Station [[/underline]] 9. Eight miles northeast of Manchioneal on the Spring Valley – Friendship Valley road, next to the John Crow Mts. A small new clearing among bananas, with felled trees. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[blank page]]
Transcription Notes:
Noted [[preprinted]] and [[pencil]] as TC will want to know what Blackwelder actually wrote and what may be possible later additions