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[[page number]] 32 [[/page number]] Jamaica 31. ten miles per hour, altering direction north-wards and then north-eastwards over wes-tern Cuba to Florida. [[margin]] VII-14-35 [[/margin]] Sunday, stayed home to rest and write up [[margin: J]] notes. Yesterday was pretty strenuous. Paid 1/3 for a pint of ice cream! [[margin]] VII-15-35 [[/margin]] We got our first pictures developed today. They [[margin: J]] are all under-exposed. I evidently [[strikethrough]] over [[/strikethrough]] under-estimated the allowance necessary for the tropical sun. I'm not too well used to the exposure meter. It will be more convenient to record and com-ment on the pictures when each set has been developed, so follows: #1. Dick on lawn at Magnus', Kingston. July 1 1935. Completely out of focus. Taken particularly for the benefit of the helmet! #2. Ruth on lawn at Magnus', Kingston. July 1, 1935. Slightly out of focus. #3. Looking southeast from [[Borell?]] residence on hill overlooking Caymanas Estates. July 9, 1935. Panorama of valley with #4. The day was somewhat cloudy but the sun was bright. The print does not show enough contrast. Shows at center the old Works (sugar mill) and in right foreground the New Factory. Cane fields behind, spotted [[end page]] [[start page]] [[page number]] 33 [[/page number]] with cocoanut palms. The Ferry River flows at foot of hills to left. The white diagonal line is the road coming up to the house. #4 Looking south from [[Bovell??]] residence on hill overlooking Caymanao Estates. July 9, 1935. A continuation to right of #3. Shows cocoa-nut palm walks in foreground, canes behind, and part of Kingston Harbour in background. #5. Cocoanut palm on beach at White Horses, 26 miles east of Kingston, looking west. June 10, 1935. Intended to be chiefly a sil-houette. This tree is a favorite photo subject. The "white horses" (shoals) can be seen offshore. #6. Looking down upon large landslide which destroyed 500 feet of highway about 10 miles east of Kingston. July 10, 1935. This picture just failed to show the edge of the pavement at the top. The black object at the left is a very dense-looking green bush. This slide caused the abandonment of about a mile of fairly new road. Apparently the slide was unexpected, - it followed a very wet period. I am surprised only at the scarcity of such occurrences, as the roads are frequently almost overhung by the very soft and much weathered and discolored [[end page]]
Transcription Notes:
#3 from [[Borell?]] may be Bonell