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[[preprinted]] 56 [[/preprinted]]
[[margin]] V11-27-35 [[margin]] Breakfast at 7 o'clock. Started out at eight [[left margin]]J J[[/left margin]]to collect in a pasture. This and yesterday's collecting were at
[[underlined]]Station 19[[/underlined]].
Vicinity of Derry,  Bonell's residence near Balaclava, north of Mandeville in Manchester. Steep rolling hills, forested but with occasional grassy slopes. Used only for pasture. John, the head pen-man went with me and used his machete to great advantage. We [[left margin]]I I A[[/left margin]]attacked numerous rotten logs, but found only larvae, "forty-leggers, [[strikethrough]]wh[[/strikethrough]] Tailless whip-scorpions, spiders, one scorpion,etc.
[[left margin underlined]] Photo #19[[left margin underlined]] After two hours we finally found four or five Passalids, several very large larvae, and a few tiny Brenthids in a specially large log. On the same log was one small rather dry fungus, which yielded several series of [[left margin]]B[[/left margin]]beetles but no Staphs. [pencil - B    Bark -   4 Staphs.]
[[left margin]]J J{{/left margin]] After lunch I went to see the Oxford Cave, two miles north-east of Balaclava. It is a limestone cavern and apparently is quite large. A cold breeze blows out of it continually. I hope to explore it with good lamps sometime if we get to come back here for another period later on.

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[[page number preprinted]] 57 [[/page number preprinted]] The second lot of photographs turned out better than the first.
#7. Ruins of a stone house along the road south of Manchioneal in parish of Portland. Slightly out of focus, - doesn't show much. vii-13-35.
#8. A cove near Priestman's River, about ten miles north of-Manchioneal, in the parish of Portland. July 13, 1935.
#9. A palm-covered island near Boston Bay, on road between Manchioneal and Port Antonio, in parish of Portland. July 13, 1935.
#10. A typical mangrove plant in a shallow-water bay near Turtle Crawle Harbour, south of Port Antonio, in parish of Portland. July 13, 1935.
#11. Two types of parasites or epiphytes on a  tree at station 9, in mountains west of Manchioneal, in Portland parish. July 13, 1935.
The lower one is somewhat similar to a pineapple plant, while one of the upper ones has large rounded leaves.
#12. Humped bull, imported Indian brand, near Bog Walk. July 15, 1935. This is the finest specimen I have seen. There are said to be two types of Indian cattle in the island, and they are fairly common. They are easily distinguished by the grey color.