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[[pencil]]Jamaica 63, final. [[\pencil]]
[[page two]]
Haiti 1. [[preprinted]] 65 [[\preprinted]]
[[margin]]VIII-1-35 [[margin]]
Arrived at Port au Prince about 7:30 A.M. Satisfied the
[[margin]] J [[\margin]] Immigration officers, had breakfast, and went ashore. We were met by a Mr. Wolley representing the Hotel Sans Souci. He got our baggage ashore and down to the Customs House at the foot of the pier, where previous communications from our State Department enabled us to pass without any inspection. He then took us up to the hotel and got us established. Then he took me back down to get the motorcycle. It came off with our baggage and was admitted free. We went to the Police Station where Wolley is well known and got the necessary licenses in a short time. At 11 AM I went to call on the American Consul, where I found some mail and learned of the necessity of obtaining a Permit de Lejour if staying longer than two weeks, and also of the [[strikethrough]] necessity of [[\strikethrough]] advisability of carrying a letter of introduction from the head of the Guard (local army). All business and offices close here at 1:30, and as the day was very hot, we spent the afternoon trying to keep cool. In the evening Mr. Barnes, the manager of the hotel invited us to go for a ride up the one paved road in the republic. We were accompanied by a student from Clark [[strikethrough]] Colle [[strikethrough]] University.