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Haiti 16. we passed through the village about six other men and a dozen boys joined us. the hadn't really understood how far, but waling means nothing to them and we soon arrived. I was beginning to get tired from walking. Everyone joined in to dig out the mud and free the wheels. Then with three or four (mostly the boys) pushing at the back of the side-car we managed to advance a hundred feet. After the first the front wheel had been stuck tight. We cleaned out again and repeated the performance. The fourth time brought us to a gravelly spot where the motor got traction enough and we thought the trouble was over. When I first asked the Guards they said "You pay?" I answered, "Yes, I pay". From them, "How much you pay?" To this I looked blank and said nothing, and they soon forgot it. So now I approached the one that understood a little English and said "I pay you; you pay them", indicating all the rest of the gang. That seemed agreeable, so I offered him two dollars. He accepted and I handed over two of the red Haitian fine gourde bills. He asked if I didn't have any [[end page]] [[start page]] change, so I took back one of the bills and gave him a two gourde bill, two quarters, a nickel, and a ten centime piece. This made a total of $1.97 and he seemed satisfied though apparently unable to count it up or figure out how to divide it. It was all the change I had. This Guard then asked if he could ride with me to Ganthier and I let him [[strikethrough]] ride [[/strikethrough]] sit on top of the sidecar. We went about half a mile and then ran into another stretch of clay. We managed to get halfway through this by running with the motor in the ditch and both pushing, with frequent stops for cleaning out the mud, I know of nothing so tiring as trying to push something which is moving so fast you must run to keep up. When we finally gave up the attempt, I was so tired that I was ready to lie down in the mud to sleep. The Guard however was going to walk into Gauthier where he lived. I looked at the map and figured it was about two miles. (The Guard was unable to tell me anything about the distance) So I decided to go with him. I managed to get a drink from my tank but didn't have any supper. The walk was