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[[preprinted]] 82 [[/preprinted]] [[top margin]]Haiti 18.[[top margin]]

very tiring and when I had gone the two miles I began to wonder how much farther I could stand, and to  [[strikethrough]] l [[/strikethrough]] wish I had stayed behind. We kept on and on, the road wet and footing insecure, but few hills, in the dark of course by now. Having slept very little on the ground the night before I was getting pretty [[strikethrough]] slippery [[/strikethrough]] sleepy, and my boots and helmet were both about twice their normal weight on account of mud and water. When we finally got to the town I figured we had come five miles and I verified this next morning. At the Guard house they gave me a bed, a wall bunk with steel frame and stiff sagging spring. I had carried my own blanket from the motorcycle and spread it over the springs. They gave me a pillow. I was so tired that I slept soundly and only awakened once to see that the stars were out and the storm over. I had no supper and no water after the five mile walk, so when I got to bed I had a very unpleasant taste in my mouth and a slight unrest in the stomach. My clothes were still wet and the night cool but with the blanket I managed and was dry when I woke. 
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[[preprinted]]  83 [[/preprinted]] 
[[left margin]] VIII-8-35 [[/left margin]] By six the sun was up and I followed shortly.
[[left margin]] J [[/left margin]] Most of the Guards had slept in their clothes as I did, some on straight wooden benches in preference to the wall racks. I was faced with the five mile return walk to the motor before breakfast and didn't have the heart to start it [[strikethrough]] l [[/strikethrough]] without a drink. The water they had only tasted fair and no doubt was unsafe but one glass helped some and I started out. When I had walked a little less than a mile I was overtaken by a car full of natives, including the Guard who was with me the night before. They stopped and I hung on the running board, but so tired that I wasn't always sure I could stay on. When we reached the motor [[strikethrough]] we [[/strikethrough]] I got off and so did the Guard. He scraped the mud out of the fenders while I sat by the roadside without energy enough to help. The road had dried considerably during the night and we were able to go on without more trouble. This time I put him on the seat and rode on the gas tank myself. When we got to Gauthier I gave him the other five g[[strikethrough]]l[[strikethrough]]ourde bill, got my blanket from the Guard
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