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[[preprinted]] 96 [[/preprinted]] [[pencil top margin]] Haiti 32. [[/pencil top margin]]

[[left margin]] VIII-19-35  [[/left margin]] Monday. Went to bank to cash Traveler's [[left margin]] J [[left margin]] Cheque. They charge 60ยข for cashing $1.00. Then went to Lyke's S.S. Co. office to make reservation [[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] and get ticket for Ruth. No one there seemed to know much, but said no tickets could be sold till the day before sailing as they can't be sure of places. Got mail at American Consulate, and Mr. Breuer wrote a letter to the [[strikethrough]] Co [[/strikethrough]] Am. Cons. in Santo Domingo explaining that Ruth would arrive without passport, etc. Went to Interior Department to get our overdue Permits de Sejour. They had not yet been signed by the secretary and there's no telling if they ever will. 
[[left margin]] VIII-20-35 [[/left margin]] Left call for 5 A.M. Got away at 6, but [[left margin]] J [[/left margin]] stopped to put air in the tires in town. Went through Leogane, Grand Goave, Petit-Goave, Miragoane, and stopped along the road about midway between the latter and St. Michel du Sud. Collected at 
[[underlined]] Station 27. [[/underlined]]
Five miles south of Miragoane on road from Port-au-Prince to Les Cayes. Along path in thin woods and on hill overlooking corn fields and brush.
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[[preprinted]] 97 [[/preprinted]]
[[left margin]] I A [[/left margin]]
In a large fungus that had apparently been dropped by the path were the usual Scolytids? and the tiny (1/3 mm.) beetles found once before.
[[left margin]] [[underlined]] 1 Staph [[/underlined]] B [[/left margin]] No Staphs were found. In dung [[insertion]] B [[/insertion]] were eight [[underlined]] Canthons [[/underlined]],
[[left margin]] C [[/left margin]]  two [[underlined]] Aphodius [[/underlined]], and one [[underlined]] Saprinus [[/underlined]]. Sweeping and beating gave one Hispid, two or more species of Bruchid, a Tenebrionoid, a small weevil, several spiders, and numerous tiny beetles. 
[[left margin]] J [[/left margin]] Returned along same route to [[underlined]] Station 28. [[/underlined]]
Just east of Grand Goave on road to Port-au-Pr. 
[[left margin]] I [[/left margin]] Collected in dung [[insertion]] (lost) [[/insertion]], and took one spider from web. 
[[left margin]] J [[/left margin]] And then home, - all on 3 gallons of gas. 
[[left margin]] VIII-21-35 [[/left margin]] Wednesday. This is the Haitian independence day, - 
[[left margin]] J [[/left margin]] Evacuation Day. A holiday of course. Wrote letters and notes. Johnny Fairchild left on Pastores with a mahogany table, a large rug, a case of rum, a native drum, etc., etc., etc.!
[[left margin]] VIII-22-35 [[/left margin]] Went out to Damien in A.M. Gave letter of introduction 
[[left margin]] J [[/left margin]] to Audant, returned Geology book, and [[left margin]] I [[/left margin]] got all the Staphs (14) from the collection on 
[[left margin]] J [[/left margin]] loan. In afternoon washed bottles and made a new cyanide jar. Can't do a very good job till I get some Plaster of Paris. Three weeks is about the life of one made with blotting-paper.
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