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[[preprinted]] 104 [[/preprinted]]
[[top margin]] Haiti 40. [[/top margin]]

bush with very long spines (?mesquite?) that was in bloom attracted some large [[margin]] I [[/margin]] bumblebees. I got one of these, a yellow [[margin]] B [[/margin]] jacket, and one Bruchid. This bush is exceedingly common in the plains. It borders all the fields and invades them rapidly unless kept back. 
[[margin]] I [[/margin]] Tried sweeping along the road, etc. with only fair success. The total was: 9 weevils (3 species), 18 flea-beetles (1 species), 2 Coccinellids and 2 larvae, 3 other tiny beetles, 9 tree-hoppers, 1 small mantis, 3 bugs, 1 fly, and 1 spider. Yesterday on the hike I found a whip-scorpion (with tail) being dragged off by ants. This is the first one I've ever seen.
[[margin]] J [[/margin]] Most of the plain is under cultivation and I could find no other places to collect, so I came back to the Hotel early. In the evening Ruth and Mrs. McCarthy took turns playing cribbage with Mr. Barnes. Each won at least once but Mr. B. took the tournament easily. 
In afternoon Mr. Haber hired a little gray burro for Mrs. McCarthy to ride. It had only one ear and such wobbly-looking legs! I took a picture of Ruth sitting on it. 
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[[preprinted]] 105 [[/preprinted]]

[[margin]] VIII-27-35 [//margin]] Ruth and I went down to see the Dominican [[margin]] J [[/margin]] Consul. Found out we must have permits from the Haitian government to leave the country. Tried to get Mr. Woolley to help get the latter, but missed him somewhere. Waited at the British Legation for half an hour, then feeling ill, came back to the hotel. Was sick all afternoon and stayed in bed.
[[margin]] VIII-28-35 [[/margin]] No fever this morning but I felt very [[margin]] J [[/margin]] tired. Stayed in bed all day, but got up for dinner in the evening. 
[[margin]] VIII-29-35 [[/margin]] Spent the morning writing letters. Seven [[margin]] J [[/margin]] of them. Mr. Woolley didn't show up and I didn't feel like going out myself.
[[margin]] VIII-30-35 [[/margin]] Mr. Woolley took my passport down to have [[margin]] J [[/margin]] the permit added. Later he took me down to get it, but the Minister of the Interior hadn't signed it yet, so we have to wait. Ruth spent the whole morning typing the letters I wrote yesterday. In the afternoon I unpacked the sidecar and laid everything out to air. The spare gasoline permeates everything and gives an almost unbearable stench. It gets into my lunch, my drinking water, my blanket, my papers, and the camera! 
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